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- Feb. 15, 2005 - Nocturnal Rites At The Opera

One of the principal forces in Swedish power metal have been given a once in a lifetime opportunity of doing two shows alongside the renowned philharmonic orchestra at the opera house in their native Umeå, Sweden.

"I think these concerts will blow people away. Not only will it be cool to hear our songs being played by an award winning orchestra consisting of 50 people – our sorry asses will be up their, on stage with them, playing the material we wrote ourselves. Imagine the total and utter power that will be unleashed when our two musical worlds collide", Nils Eriksson, the band’s bassist, says.

The shows will be conducted by the prominent Hans Ek, whose merits include everything from working in Canada and England, directing the musical Chess at Cirkus in Stockholm, conducting the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra to having worked in nearly every Opera House in Sweden

"This guy is a heavy weight champion and I am sure he will interpret our songs in ways we never even thought were possible. I can’t wait to hear this", Nils Eriksson says.

In addition to Nocturnal Rites being the headline act on the bill, two other local bands, Persuader and 6th Awakening, will also in their own shows merge with the orchestra. Furthermore in the opera house’s smaller venue an array of other local metal bands will be performing the good old fashioned way

"As far as I know this is the first time any opera house in Sweden, or maybe even the world, has opened its doors for a weekend completely devoted to this slice of modern culture we call metal.

Culture isn’t supposed to be static. It’s meant to bend, take on new forms and be questioned. I love this idea and I think it will give the metal audience a new perspective on classical music and vice versa", Nils says

The two day event, aptly dubbed “Demons of the Opera”, will set off on the eves of April 1st and 2nd. Tickets go on sale Monday February 14.

In other news, Nocturnal Rites have just finished shooting their third video clip off last year’s critically acclaimed “New World Messiah” and are currently working on material for its successor. Until this monster is let loose, check out “Lost in Time: The Early Years of Nocturnal Rites” – the band’s 10 year celebration CD containing their first two albums, newly recorded songs, rare bonus tracks and video enhancements. In stores on February 21st.

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