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- Feb. 17, 2005 - Azure To Release New Album In April

Swedish "fantasy black metal" band AZURE has reformed and has inked a deal with Holland's Karmageddon Media (formerly Hammerheart Records). The band entered Morningdew Media Studio in Umeå, Sweden last September to record a new CD, entitled "King of Stars - Bearer of Dark", for a tentative late April release. Seven songs plus an intro were laid down during the sessions, which saw several guest guitar solos being recorded by Nils Norberg (NOCTURNAL RITES) and Ronnie Björnstöm (EMBRACING).

"King of Stars - Bearer of Dark" track listing:

01. Greeting Chaos
02. Dead Men's Shadow Flickering
03. The Lake of Death – Magnion
04. Selene – The Spirit
05. Whispers of Echoes Passed
06. Shadows In Midark
07. The Storm (The Hill of Heimad)
08. King of Stars – Bearer of Dark

In other news, AZURE's out-of-print "Moonlight Legend" CD (1999) and "A Vicious Age Lasting" EP (1998) will be re-released on one CD by Karmageddon Media later in the year.

For more information, visit

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