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- Feb. 24, 2005 - Darkest Hour: New Album Update

DARKEST HOUR have posted the following message on their official web site:

"So we are off to Vancouver to start pre-production [for the new album]. We will be there for about five days before hitting the studio. We can't tell you how excited we are, it's been almost two years since we went to Sweden and we can't wait to get into the studio. Our good friend, the Mr. Miyagi of Hardcore, Brian Mcternan and the band he is recording (SCARY KIDS, SCARING KIDS — who, by the way, Mike beat the hell out of in 'Dance Dance Revolution' the other night) were good enough to let John Henry demo some vocals Tuesday night (along with providing him with some beer!) and we are really excited about how they came out. We can't wait to get Devin [Townsend, producer] in the mix and get insane."

"What can we tell you right now? Well, tentatively we have 9 songs and one acoustic instrumental piece. There will definitely be some surprises but also plenty of classic DARKEST HOUR riff rock and thrash'n."

"The idea we have for this record is very different then other DARKEST HOUR records. We have written the songs in such away that they flow together, and without giving too much away, I can say that there will be some definite PINK FLOYD influence in how the record flows."

DARKEST HOUR have just issued a DVD, entitled "Party Scars and Prison Bars - A Thrashography". Described as "a behind-the-scenes look at the musical prowess and outrageous humor that have made DARKEST HOUR famous in the metal scene," the disc includes an autobiography spanning DARKEST HOUR's 10-year existence, footage from their very first show, live performances, backstage banter, music videos, European tour footage and more.

DARKEST HOUR's latest album, "Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation", was released in May 2003 through Victory Records. The CD includes guest appearances from Tomas Lindberg (AT THE GATES, THE CROWN), Anders Björler (AT THE GATES, THE HAUNTED), Peter Wichers (SOILWORK) and Marcus Sunesson (THE CROWN).

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