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- Mar. 13, 2005 - Amphibious Assault: New CD Update

Former KITTIE guitarist Fallon Bowman has posted the following update on the status of the second AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT CD:

"The record is on the way to being done. I have some titles floating around, some obscene, some serious. Depends how silly I feel I guess. When school is out in April, I will have ample amounts of time to finish it and do all the jazz needed to be done for June. It shall be grand. There will be a London-area (Ontario) CD release party of some kind. More details to come when it gets closer to the date and...yah know, I've recorded it and everything. Haha."

Bowman released the first AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT CD, "District 6", in May 2003. The self-financed album featured a guest appearance by former KITTIE bassist Talena Atfield.

For more information, visit AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT's page at this location.

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