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- Mar. 14, 2005 - Former Emperor Drummer Faust Joins Aborym

Former EMPEROR and current SCUM drummer Bård "Faust" Eithun has officially joined Italy's ABORYM as a a full-time member. "I am gonna go to Rome at the end of April to record the fourth album of these cyber black metallers," Faust said in a statement. "I am very excited to hear the result since this is the first time that ABORYM will combine acoustic, organic drums with the electronic beats they have used so far. Should be interesting I think."

In other news, Faust has joined the Norwegian "punk noisers" BOMBEROS, featuring former MAYHEM singer Maniac. "This is a nice break off to the metal music I normally play," Faust said. "The plan is not to conquer the world but rather just play music, do some gigs and fuck around a little."

SCUM, an all-new project featuring Faust, Samoth (ZYKLON, ex-EMPEROR), Happy Tom (TURBONEGRO), Casey Chaos (AMEN) and Cosmocrator (MINDGRINDER), recently recorded their debut album at Crystal Canyon Studio (TURBONEGRO, WE, EUROBOY) in Norway. Although no label or album title has been finalized, provisional songtitles include "Gospels for the Sick", "The Truth Will Be Sold" and "Hate the Sane".

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