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- Mar. 19, 2005 - Monster Magnet Part Ways With Guitarist Phil Caivano

MONSTER MAGNET mainman Dave Wyndorf has posted the following message on the band's official web site:

"I'm announcing with deep regret that Phil Caivano, guitarist, singer and my longtime friend, has decided to 'move on' from MONSTER MAGNET."

"Phil joined the band in 1998 and has been a solid contributor since day one. No one I know has ever been more dedicated to his craft. He is a unique and talented individual who excels at everything he does and I wish him all the best."

"Phil himself will let you know what he's doing in his own good time, but for the record, this is an amicable split."

"Needless to say, there is only one Phil Caivano so replacing him is impossible. However, MAGNET is auditioning guitarists to fill the rhythm slot and I'll let you all know what's up. In the meantime, I'll be playing guitar. This change in line up will in no way effect the output of MONSTER MAGNET, as I am writing the new album now and things are on schedule."

"Phil is and will always be welcome as a member of the MONSTER MAGNET family."

"Rock is alive! Love, Dave."

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