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- Mar. 27, 2005 - Eternal Mourning Hard At Work On New Material

Portuguese gothic/doom metallers ETERNAL MOURNING are currently working on material for their third album, tentatively due before the end of the year. "We truly believe that we are achieving something very special," the band write on their web site.

"We have already a title for the forthcoming record but that will remain [undisclosed] for now."

"After we have four or five songs completed, we will present them to some labels, since we decided to end our cooperation with the Spanish label Goimusic. We wish them all the best, but it was time for us to try something different. Any interested label should contact us at"

"We are also working on some of our old songs and giving them an acoustic approach. We will do some shows on that format. More dates will be anounced here soon."

"Besides that we will start doing very soon a soundtrack to a theatrical play about Dr. Faust, which will be assure by the professional group Teatro do Mar (Sines/Portugal), and will be delightful."

"Two [members] of the band (Mario & Miguel) are also working at the moment on a new band. The songs are emerging naturaly, and sounding very different from ETERNAL MOURNING. On this new band Mario will play drums and Miguel will be responsible for the guitars. A vocalist was already found, and will be a girl."

ETERNAL MOURNING's last CD, "The Resident Sadness" (2003), was recorded and mixed at Exilium studios in Lisbon during September/October 2002 and was produced by Orlando Costa and ETERNAL MOURNING.

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