
-Status: Active
-Origin: Karlsruhe, Germany
-Formed in: 1997
-Style: Black metal
-Website: Aaskereia

The German black metal band Aaskereia was formed in the winter of 1997 in Karlsruhe. A first demo was recorded in 1999.

Sourse: tartareandesire.com
Grim Vocals
Halvar Norgesverd Guitar
Eihwaz Guitar
Fafnir Drums

Album Year Label
Aus Dem Vereisten Unterholz Verschneiter Walder (Demo) 1999 No Label
Promo 2001 2001 No Label
Live In Bindersleben (Demo) 2002 No Label
...Mit Dem Eid Unserer Ahnen Begann Der Sturm... (7" EP) 2003 No Label
Mit Raben Und Wolfen (Demo) 2003 No Label


©2004 Metal Madness Productions