-Limbonic Art-

-Status: Disbanded(2003)
-Origin: Norway
-Formed in: 1993
-Style: Black metal

Limbonic Art was formed, and existed for a short period of time with a four-member line-up. Daemon, who is the inventor of Limbonic Art, and the only original member, met with Morfeus when the old line- up went separate ways, and a new project was born. Daemon and Morfeus became the Limbonic Art we know today.

The band recorded and released a rehearsal tape containing four tracks of symphonic Black Metal.

1996 - 2001:
A new rehearsal tape was developed, this time five tracks in the same musical vein. Nocturnal Art Prod. became interested, and offered a deal after a hearing of the two rehearsal tapes. A contract was made in the spring 1996, and an official promo tape was released by NAP shortly after. In the autumn the band recorded and released their now well-known debut album 'Moon in the Scorpio', which led to great recognition in the extreme metal scene worldwide. Limbonic Art are now seen as one of the best new bands to come out of the Norwegian extreme metal scene in a long time. The band has been given great reviews and great media attention in general in major metal/ gothic press worldwide. Limbonic Art is now working on new material for a new studio full-length album. (Nocturnal Art Productions)

'Limbonic Art has as of February 2003 decided to seize our activities. We feel that we have reached as far as we could in our collaboration, and do not feel as inspired as we should when it comes to produce new quality music, there is no reason to go on making music we would not be comfortable with, and we fulfilled our contracts with NAP. Everything is set for a new beginning for the both of us, and we desire to explore other aspects of our musical interests, so it is time to stop now. The circle is complete, begin another...

We would like to hail all the ones who have supported us through the years, Nocturnal Art Productions, Hammerheart Records, Evil Horde Records, Mystic Productions and many others who deserves our respect. Last but not least, we hail YOU, our loyal and dedicated fans....you know who you are...'

Source: MetalMania.net
-Former Members:
Daemon Vocals, Guitar Zyklon, SiriuS, Sarcoma Inc.
Morfeus Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards Dimension F3H, Immemoreal, Dark Fortress, Finnugor

Album Year Label
Moon In The Scorpio 1996 Nocturnal Art Productions
In Abhorrence Dementia 1997 Nocturnal Art Productions
Epitome Of Illusions 1998 Nocturnal Art Productions
Ad Noctum- Dynasty Of Death 1999 Nocturnal Art Productions
Box I- IV (Boxset) 2001 Hammerheart Records
Chronicles Of Limbo (Boxset) 2001 Hammerheart Records
The Ultimate Death Worship 2002 Nocturnal Art Productions


©2004 Metal Madness Productions