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Radio and Music Memories from the 50's, 60's & 70's

Survey City-------Minneapolis/St. Paul-------L.A.-------Chicagoland-------Over 3,500 surveys posted!

If you love the music put out on those little 45 R.P.M. records with the big hole, the radio stations and disc jockeys who played them, this place is devoted to them. Hit record surveys from stations of the time are on display here. Over 900 from Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, WDGY and KDWB. Also have over 1400 surveys from Chicago and more than 1,200 Los Angeles ones. To view those scroll down past the Twin Cites and just after "Airchecks" you'll see the Chicagoland and L.A. links. These sites are growing but many more surveys are needed. If you have surveys see details at bottom of this page and E-mail link.



Direct link to Los Angeles Surveys
KRLA--Aug thru Dec, 1959 and all 1960 except one are up. 1961 complete and most 62.! KFWB, all 1962 up.
Chicago--WCFL all 1966, 67, 68 and first nine months of 69 now up! Direct link to Chicagoland Surveys.
Twin Cities surveys. Use links below.

Twin Cities - 9 additional WDGY 1964 Tiger Top 50 surveys now posted.

Rock n' Roll Classifieds show with the Vinyl King, Dale Siegfried every Friday nite 7 to 10 on KOWZ 100.9 FM Owatonna. Can be heard in Twin Cities metro.
Two radio shows that go far deeper than the top 40 can be heard on KFAI 90.3 in Minneapolis. 106.7, St Paul. Monday afternoons 3 to 6, "Bop Street" with Pete Lee and "Rockin' Rhythm" hosted by Dave Cummings, Weds. 6 to 9AM. Click for stream.

Click here for The Hits Of Yesteryear with Glenn Sauter. 1950's and 60's oldies on the net.

Ricky The K's Solid Gold Time Machine Link to website. Show IS on available by subscription.

New York Oldies Radio spins a nice mix of 1950's, 60's & 70's sides you don't hear on corp biggies spiced with jingles. Old time radio can be heard too.

Hear Mark The Shark spin the oldies from A to Z including many lost hits. Show is available 24/7 on this link.


If you're sick and tired of big oldies stations that always play the same few records into the ground and virtually ignore anything from before the British invasion a new station using the legendary calls will be coming to the Lancaster/Palmdale area of northern Los Angeles county, California that will be playing a good balance of tunes from the 50's, 60's and some early 70's with many you don't normally hear. It's an LPFM. Low power FM that will cover this region of about half a million people and plans to stream on the net. Not too far from San Berdoo. It's run by the non-profit group, The Organization For The Preservation And Cultivation Of Radio, in Lancaster, CA.
More info email Chris Compton Chris hopes to have it on the air by July. Watch here for updates.
Also, KFXM, San Bernadino airchecks and surveys from the 50's & 60's are needed. Contact Chris at above.

To view the surveys on this site scroll down, click the station you want, then year, then date. Other cities surveys scroll further down.

Minneapolis/St. Paul

Below, a KDWB survey cover from 1962.



the Twin Cities survey crew

Thanks to the Pavek Museum of Broadcasting, Scott Stevens, Dick Sigurdson, Tom Policone, Larry Klosowski, Rick Hy, Jim Jankiewicz, Jim (Hymie) Peterson (Hymie's Vintage Records), Jim Oldsberg (Lost & Found Magazine), Jeff Lonto (author and publisher of "Fiasco At 1280 - The Rise And Hard Fall Of A Twin Cities Radio Station"), Stu Held, Curt Lundgren, Sam Hale, Chuck Farrell, Jeff Brandt, Johnny Canton, Ray Bourdeaux and Tammy Rodriguez. for the surveys here. Find out more about these people and their businesses by going to "Links and Things" also for review and ordering info on Jim's magazine and Jeff's book.

A huge thankyou goes to survey contributor, Senator Don Betzold who through his donation of over three hundred KDWB charts to the Pavek Museum has single-handedly taken 1964 and 1966 from almost nothing to complete years for "Channel 63", 1965 to an almost and filled in the holes in 1963 and 1967 to complete them. Thanks again, Don!

Twin cities surveys

To view the surveys pick the station, click, then the year, click, then date on that index. Use your "back" button or links at page bottom to return to indexes or "home" page.

WDGY Surveys
Check out what was happening on the charts of this fifty kilowatt powerhouse. Currently there are about 25 to 30 charts from 1964 and 1965 each. 1966 & 67 nearly complete. Over forty from 1968. Thirty-six from 1969 over 40 1970 a couple dozen each from 1971 and 72, 34 from 1973. About a dozen from the 1950's plus some from 1960 and 61.

KDWB Surveys
Right now there are 49 from 1960, 1961 complete, around thirty from 1962, 1963 almost complete,  1964, 1966 and 1967 complete, 45 from 1965 and 51 each from 1970 and 71. Playlist was frozen in at least one of the 1971 "missing" weeks. Fifteen 1972. This station became top 40 in the fall of 1959. Today an FM station using those calls still plays current hits.

WLOL Survey
They played top forty in the 1950's and here's a survey in text form. 1330 on the AM dial back when.

The WDGY Disc Jockeys
The "Weegee" personalities who spun the sounds on Twin Cities airwaves and made radio great listening. Some photos, quick bios plus links to airchecks of a few of them to hear as they were on the air back when courtesy of The Reel Top 40 Radio Repository and Pavek Museum.

The KDWB Disc Jockeys
A cast of "characters" you may say of the guys manning the mikes and turntables at "Channel 63". They had a ball and so did the listeners. Photos, brief bios, no not histories of their underwear, and links to some airchecks courtesy of The Reel Top 40 Radio Repository and "Uncle Ricky".

Station Histories
How did it start for these Two titans of the airwaves. One was founded by a doctor in the early 1920's and run from his North Minneapolis home. The other had its beginnings in 1951 as what many would call a joke.

It happened On the Air
Survey crewmember Jeff Lonto gives us the pasts of Twin Cities stations in "Station Histories" here. J. R. is author and publisher of "Fiasco at 1280, The Rise And Hard Fall Of A Twin Cities Station". Most radio people can relate to this. Go to "Links And Things" or direct to his website for more info on ordering. J. R. is also back in the Pavek Museum's bi-monthly newsletter with his "It Happened On The Air" column.

Links and Things
Get info about where to buy oldies in the Twin Cities, Jeff Lonto's "Fiasco At 1280..." book, "Lost & Found" magazine. Also links to airchecks and other great surveys and radio sites in different cities like New York, Miami, Philadelphia and more. See actual surveys from many different cities at RICK'S RANCH, visit often, he changes them almost every day.


Thanks to The Reel Top 40 Radio Repository there are direct links to airchecks of Twin Cities jocks. Real audio. "Links and Stuff" page. Also a link right to this great site itself where over 1100 audio exhibits can be heard, with descriptive text and comments. The Original Aircheck Site, since 1996. It's not-for-profit and all contributors (airchecks) are welcome. Help keep "Uncle Ricky's" site on the net. If you enjoy the airchecks send in some $$ contributions. Click on link.

Los Angeles Surveys
KDWB was sister station to L.A.'s KFWB. Now posted are 23 from the first half of 1958 plus most of 1960, all 1961 many 1962 and almost all 1963 thru 66. Thanks to Mike Devich for these. Also up, KRLA, most 1960, 61, 62, 63, 64 and all of 1965 and 34 1966. All KHJ July 9, 1965 through Dec. 30, 1975. KFI, many 1979 & 80. Link takes you to L.A. Surveys homepage. Compare what was happening between the metros.

Chicagoland Surveys
There are sites devoted to the jocks and history of Chicago top 40 radio, (a couple are listed on "Links and Things" page including "Rick's Ranch", Jeff Roteman's WLS site and The Chicago Radio On Line Museum) but as far as I know none with a large number of surveys. Rick Rumick, Doug Scherer, Mike Gallant, Aaron Mintz, Rusty Evans, Scott Childers, Stan Hendricks, Bill Hengels and Randy Anderson have sent a lot in, thanks, and I'm posting them as quick as I can. Also thanks to Louis Iacueo for his great help in filling in some holes and additional info. All surveys WLS issued from 1960 through 1981 are up plus three-quarters of 1982. All WCFL surveys from 1966, 67, 68, 71 and 1972 now posted. 1969 thru Oct. are up. Link at top of paragraph takes you to the Chicago homepage.

Albany, NY.
You won't believe some of the suprises on the charts just a couple hours plus up the river from New York City. About 40 something surveys from local stations in 1964, 65 and 69 so far plus jock and artist photos.

Most surveys appear in text form because of space limitations. Scanning in actual surveys takes up far more KB's and that would mean money to pay for more webspace. No profit has been made here.

Surveys and other items are posted for historical purposes. Oldiesloon is not affiliated with KDWB, WLOL, WDGY or any other radio station or business mentioned on this site.


If you're a survey contributor you can advertise your wanted or sale items, surveys or records here for free with your email address given. Small ad.

KDWB 1964, 1966 and 1967 are complete! KDWB 1963 almost complete! Surveys are up for all fifty-two weeks of that year for KDWB but August 17th's is a "Reconstructed" one with a few lines missing. Need an original. 1965 is up. Only seven missing from September and October of that year. Still need loads from the 1950's and 1970's. KDWB 1970 and 71 have 51 apiece. Many from the 60's still needed. WDGY is far behind. Need lots more. Also doing other cities like L.A. and Chicago. If you have surveys (photocopies okay if you don't want to part with originals) e-mail me, Bill Danning a/k/a "The Oldiesloon" at Oldiesloon address near bottom of page. Please contact me first before attempting to send anything since I don't accept attachments out of the blue. 


Wanted Philadelphia and Detroit surveys from the 1960's and 70's. Contact: DRLFIACUEO@aol. This is a different collector. Email this address only for Philadelphia and Detroit surveys.

WLS, WCFL surveys for sale and trade, also wanted. Email this address to contact this collector.


Many of you may be already aware of this. That August 25, 2002 was the last time Don K Reed's Doo-Wop Shop aired on WCBS-FM, New York. This website may not cover much of what's going on in the Big Apple but many Doo-Wop lovers come to this sight to compare surveys to New York. Fighting to have this show reinstated is important even if you are not into the sound or even in New York. Why? Because if the forces that be have their way who knows what's next. British invasion sounds. Anything from before 1972, then 1980, and... Would you take away whatever your parents have left in their lives. And ours as well. That's what the powers at Infinity seem to want to do. Let's let 'em know we don't want this to happen. Show your support for Don K Reed and the Doo-Wop Shop. Let those in charge know you want to keep this show. Email or snailmail the following at WCBS-FM, 1515 Broadway, NYC:
Maura Mason, Gen Manager and VP
Phone 212 846-5100. Email:
Joe McCoy, Program Director/VP
212 846-5148. Email:
Dan Mason (don't think he's releated to Maura), President, Infinity
301 983-4833. Email:
Bill Figenshu, VP, Infinity
Blitz 'em with calls and mail though staying civilized in what we say while letting them know that Doo-Wops are a part of New York and should be saved. And of course, NOW the station streams on the net via AOL. Too little, too late as far as we're concerned. From what we've heard they're only showing how much they can sould like any other "oldies" station in any other market.

We're now listed with Yahoo so we give them a plug too. Check out our weather plus the Yahoo Search link on Links and Things page to look for radio...or anything else you want.

[ Yahoo! Weather ]

e-mail oldiesloon

Address for all Oldiesloon business.
Copy what is between the 2 and 3, paste on the "To" line and send.


for the inconvenience. It seems "mailto" links are a magnet for spammers' "bots". If I am away from my computer more than a day this site's box is stuffed to the gills with spam and legit emails can't get in. Thanks to this I have removed these links. Unfortunate. If the flood isn't checked I will change the email address.
Due to the Klez virus which replicates and sends itself out under names on contact lists in infected computers I do not maintain a contact list of those who email me or whom I corespond with. Please do not put this address on your contact list either. Unfortunately the old fashioned way of writing down addresses and keeping them handy must suffice now. Many have likened the net to the old west. Sadly we must all "circle the wagons" and take measures to protect ourselves.

Old counter crapped out. New counter crapped out. Even newer counter never crapped in.
This site and "Oldiesloon" copyright 1999 by Bill Danning