Tory's Movies - Listed Alphabetically by Cast

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Galecki, Johnny

Gallagher, Peter
Gandolfini, James
Garcia, Andy
Garner, Jennifer
Garofalo, Janeane
Garrett, Brad
Gere, Richard
Gershon, Gina
Giamatti, Paul
Gibson, Mel
Gilbert, Sara
Gleeson, Brendan
Glenn, Scott
Gless, Sharon
Glover, Crispin
Glover, Danny
Goldberg, Whoopi
Goldberg, Adam
Goldblum, Jeff
Gomez, Jaime P.
Gooding, Jr, Cuba
Goodman, John
Goranson, Alicia (Lecy)
Gordon-Levitt, Joseph
Gosling, Ryan
Gossett, Jr, Louis
  • Roots (1977, Not Rated) "Fiddler"

Grant, Cary
Grant, Hugh
Griffith, Melanie
Guest, Christopher
  • Best In Show (2000, PG-13) "Harlan Pepper" Writer/Director VHS ONLY
  • A Mighty Wind (2003, PG-13) "Alan Barrows" Writer/Director

Gyllenhaal, Jake
Gyllenhaal, Maggie

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Haas, Lukas

Hackett, Buddy
Hackman, Gene
Hall, Anthony Michael
Hall, Michael C.
Hamilton, Josh
Hamlin, Harry
Hammer, Armie
Hanks, Tom

Hannah, Daryl
Hardy, Tom
Harold, Gale
Harris, Ed
Harrelson, Woody
Harris, Richard
Hathaway, Anne
Hawke, Ethan
Hawn, Goldie
Hayek, Salma
Hayes, Isaac
Heche, Anne
Heigl, Katherine
Hemsworth, Chris
  • Rush (2013, R) "James Hunt"

Hepburn, Audrey
Higgins, John Michael
Hill, Jonah
Hoffman, Dustin
Hoffman, Philip Seymour
Holm, Ian
Holmes, Katie
Hopkins, Anthony
Hopper, Dennis
Hoskins, Bob
Hounsou, Djimon
Howard, Bryce Dallas
Howard, Terrence
  • Iron Man (2008, PG-13) "Col. James "Rhodey" Rhodes"

Hudson, Ernie
Hudson, Kate
Hunt, Bonnie
Hurt, William
Huston, Anjelica
Hutchison, Doug

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Idle, Eric

Irons, Jeremy

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