Falling Down - 1993 (R)


Year of Release: 1993
Rated: R
Director: Joel Schumacher
Approx. Running Time: 113 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 4 stars (Out of 5)


From Back Cover:

-Mike Clark, USA TODAY

Freeways are clogged. Terror stalks our cities. At shops and restaurants, the customer is seldom right. The pressures of big-city life can anger anyone. But Bill Foster is more than angry. He's out to get even.

"I'm going home," Foster says as he abandons his gridlocked car on the hottest day of the year. Instead, he walks straight into an urban nightmare by turns absurdly funny and shatteringly violent. Academy Award winner Michael Douglas is Foster, an ordinary guy at war with the frustrations of daily living. Fellow Oscar winner Robert Duvall is the savvy cop obsessed with stopping Foster's citywide rampage. Falling Down is their story, a spellbinding, unconventional thriller that asks: "Are we falling apart?"

My Comments:

This is a movie that really defies being categorized into any one genre. In many ways, it's a hilarious comedy about commercialism. In other ways, it's a tight crime thriller about a man on a rampage. But, no matter what you want to call it, I think you'll enjoy it, because the things that sets this man off are everyday annoyances to which we can all relate and the things that he does are things we can only dream about doing.

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