Made - 2001 (R)


Year of Release: 2001
Rated: R
Director(s): Jon Favreau
Approx. Running Time: 94 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: Not Yet Viewed

From Back Cover:

"Two Thumbs Up!"
-Ebert & Roeper and the Movies

-Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times

Swingers co-stars Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughn team up with rap superstar Sean Combs and the legendary Peter Falk ("Columbo") in this wickedly hilarious tale of two hapless guys trying their best to go bad...with criminally comic results.

Bobby (Favreau) is a would-be boxer who just wants to settle down with his stripper girlfriend (Famke Janssen). His lifelong pal Ricky (Vaughn) is a smalltime hustler who dreams of being a mafia hotshot. So when the mob boss Max (Peter Falk) offers the two buddies temporary work as out-of-town mafia "muscle," the two friends head for New York - where Ricky's delusions of gangster grandeur plunge them both into the Big Apple's seductive underworld of stretch limos, fast women and pricey nightclubs. But when Ricky's bumbling attempts to look like a "made" man ignite a dangerous confrontation with a rival gang lord, it becomes apparent that for these two not-so-goodfellas, crime definitely doesn't pay...and it could end up costing them big time!

My Comments:

I adore Vince Vaughn and at one point got the notion in my head to basically buy every movie he's done. Only, I never actually watched most of the movies I bought at that point - including The Locusts, Made, The Prime Gig and Swingers. One of these days I'll get around to it.

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