MooNiE: Juggler, Ropewalker, Foolish Mortal! Clown - 2008 (Not Rated )

Year of Release: 2008
Rated: Not Rated
Approx. Running Time: 38 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 4 stars (Out of 5)

From Back Cover:

"Terrific Act"
-Chicago Tribune

"...Cirque Du Soleil good."
-L.A. Times

MooNiE is both a performance and a character developed over 18 years of doing shows in many different venues. consider it to be a form of folk art that is never exactly the same twice and is always evolving. This film is dedicated to the many people who come to see me perform year after year and who have given me their laughter and my livelihood.

Cheese for Bumblebees! - MooNiE

My Comments:

MooNiE on demand, how great is that? Philip Earl Johnson displays his talents and his skill as MooNiE the silly jester who communicates almost solely with whistles, grunts, facial expressions and body posture. The results are hilarious.

Now if only MooNiE's cohort Broon would release his own solo DVD. As funny as MooNiE is, he just doesn't quite compare to Broon's sarcastic wit.

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Not Rated (MPAA)
4 Stars
2008 (Year of Release)
Genre - Other
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