A Perfect World - 1993 (PG-13)


Year of Release: 1993
Rated: PG-13
Director: Clint Eastwood
Approx. Running Time: 138 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 4 stars (Out of 5)

Clip From Movie:

From Back Cover:

" A movie that will endure."

Double Academy Award winners Kevin Costner and Clint Eastwood confront each other from opposite sides of the law in A Perfect World, an acclaimed, multilayered saga (directed by Eastwood) that rumbles down Texas backroads toward a harrowing collision with fate.

Costner plays Butch Haynes, a hardened prison escapee on the lam with a young hostage (T.J. Lowther in a remarkable film debut) who sees in Butch the father figure he never had. Eastwood is wily Texas Ranger Red Garnett, leading deputies and a criminologist (Laura Dern) in a statewide pursuit. Red knows every road and pothole in the Panhandle. What's more, he knows the elusive Haynes - because their paths have crossed before.

My Comments:

This is an excellent movie about the importance of father figures that expertly blurs the lines between good and bad, criminals and heroes.

Even if you don't like Kevin Costner or - as is my case - Clint Eastwood, you should find something to like here. There's just the right amount of heart and humor - however unexpected it may be from a killer on the loose.

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Rated PG-13 (MPAA)
4 Stars
1993 (Year of Release)
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