Pirates Of The Caribbean 3: At World's End - 2007 (PG-13)


Year of Release: 2007
Rated: PG-13
Director: Gore Verbinski
Approx. Running Time: 169 minutes
Format(s): DVD
My Rating: 3 stars (Out of 5)


From Back Cover:

Loaded with hours of addtional bonus features, this two-disc Limited Edition DVD takes you even further into the world of Pirates. Everything has led to this. Trapped on a sea of sand in Davy Jones' Locker, Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is the last of the nine Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court who must unite in one last stand to preserve the freedom-loving pirates' way of life. But first, he has to be found and rescued. Filled with extra features steeped in myth, magic and moviemaking, this Limited Edition goes beyond the final chapter of the trilogy for unsurpassed, swashbuckling entertainment.

My Comments:

Clocking in at just under 3 hours, this monstrous film is crushed by the weight of the greed and swollen egos of its makers. Filmed simultaneously with its cartoonish predecessor, Dead Man's Chest, solely for the purpose of cranking out the films at a faster rate, thus raking in more money for the studio, At World's End is filled with the same recycled gimmicks and gags as the first sequel. And, of all things, there simply isn't enough Jack Sparrow in this one. Sure, there are lots of Jack Sparrows in it, but not enough screen time is given to the charismatic captain. I get that he's dead, but his abscence for the first portion of the movie lends entirely too much time to be spent on a certain talentless actor for whom I can't fully express my disdain. Still, the resurrection of Geoffrey Rush's Captain Barbossa is a welcome treat. And I must admit that, overall, the film isn't bad, it just falls woefully short of the greatness of Curse of the Black Pearl. Oh, and despite its claim as the "last chapter" and because two less-than-stellar sequels apparently wasn't enough, the ending of the film leaves the plot wide open for yet another sequel. Here's hoping it doesn't actually happen.

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Rated PG-13 (MPAA)
3 Stars
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