(Taken by Goddess Kitty) Pearl - Determined to find her true love before she graduates, she is ready to take on any guy to find the perfect engine of love.
Joule - Though a newbie, she is by no means "fresh meat". With a spicy attitude and an explosive temper, she's dynamite.
Rocky III - Joining his older brothers in high school, he's ready to help them in any way possible.
(Taken by Taline) Purse - Quiet and shy, joining Electra's company in high school, he serves as Electra's personal messanger boy and go-fer.
Turnov - This Russian train is ready to take on the big boys and show them what he's got.
Prince of Wales - Though royalty, he can never seem to get to anything on time, though his hoity-toity attitude dubs him a geek.
Rusty - Spending freshman year as a punching bag, he's ready to show the world what he's got and maybe find love in the process. But being the principal's boy doesn't win much popularity...
Ashley - Smoking and joking, she's ready to take on anyone in her path, as long as he's cute.
Volta - Seductive and cold as ice, she's one tough girl that takes no crap from anyone and lets them know it too.
Rocky II - The middle child in the group of his other two brothers, he's facing trouble with his two brothers to back him.
Dustin - Big and slow, he has made a friend of Flat Top, and he's extremely friendly.
Rurhgold - Really strict and uptight, he's not a big favorite around school.
(Taken by AerynQ) Dinah - Being Greaseball's girl has its advantages. She is loyal and friendly, but easily heartbroken.
Wrench - She loves shop as well as breaking things, but she is not a push-over. She knows just what hurts and makes sure you get her point.
Rocky I - The oldest of his two other brothers, he's used to high school life. He watches out for his brothers, though he tries to be cool.
Flat Top - He does his best to act like Greaseball's groupie, but he has a soft spot in his heart for less fortunates, mainly Dustin.
(Taken By Taline) C.B. the Red Caboose- He's the ultimate school troublemaker. Pranks and derailment are his fun, and he can be employed to do basically anything, as long as he's paid.
Espresso - He's a major heartbreaker, with a deep love of Italy. He thinks some day soon he'll have the stuff to be number one.
Greaseball - With Dinah as his current girlfriend, he's a major heartthrob and a major heartbreaker, with a big ego and a group of loyal followers at his beck and call.
Electra - Rich and powerful, he flaunts himself over the school, trailed by all his loyal components. He makes and breaks relationships with anyone he can find.
Krupp - The most skilled fighter in the school and the only one ever to ever get in troublefor bringing a gun to school, he's hip and in it, ready to take on the world.
Buffy - A hot, quick coach, she's got a no-nonsense attitude but is still great fun and very sweet.
Bobo - This French heartthrob is ready to prove he's number one and maybe win a few coaches to go along with it.
Nintendo - Fit and determined, he's gonna show everyone the power of the bullet.
Poppa (Principal) - He's an easy to work with guy and was once the champion of the school so long ago. He's caring and trustworthy, if not a little protective of Rusty.
Belle (Secretary) - She used to be the prettiest coach in the school when she was there many yers ago. She came back to teach and be a secretary and still believes she is still the best.
1. You're allowed 3 musicals characters, but only 1 made up character for now. Once it gets going, I'll allow more.
2. This RPG will be rated 'R'. Basically, I don't care what you post as long as I don't get complaints. If you wanna swear, you can, but if it's not necessary, don't. If you want physical relationships, that's fine too, but try to keep it nice. I know some people have beliefs about different characters, particularily the components, so I don't care if Volta and Wrench wanna pair up or anything like that, but let's keep it modest.
3. Please try to post as often as possible. I'd like it to be every day, but we have lives, so does once every week sound reasonable? If not, have a reasonable excuse for your character to not be around and don't be caught in a line with a ton of people who post once every two minutes.
4. Please e-mail me at if you want to join. Do not start posting until I okay your choice, just in case they are taken. I'm a slow updater, so don't assume because there's no 'taken' sign, it's not taken.
5. The most important rule of all! Have fun!
Things to put in the e-mail you send to me requesting a character:
Name (Alias is fine)
E-mail address
Character you want
Description, if made up
Yahoo IM ID if you have one (Easier for me to find people)
*Just a note* A majority of the events will take place outside of school. The school day, like classes, will not be the major setting of the stories.