animatedarrow.html draganddrop.html

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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Animated Arrow

This is a tutorial made with Photo Imapct, a program similiar to Paint Shop Pro

This tutorial was made by Kelly of

I am sorry to say, Kelly's site is down, but when it's up again I will post her link

I think of all of Kelly's tuts I have done, this is my favorite. Kelly has kindly given me permission to use her tools and to write this tutorial in PSP and permission for you to link to her site.

Please do not claim this as your own. You are welcome to use it and share it but do not copy and paste to another site

Thank You

.........................................Let's start!!!..............................

Arrow Tools

Open all the tools in Animation Shop and export each one to Paint Shop Pro .......

Open a new image about 300x300, we can crop later

Click on each image and edit>copy..........over to new image....edit>paste as new layer(another way to do this is just to open the image of the arrow and click on the layer and drag it to your empty image....this puts it there as a huh? this with arrow...the hand...the blue text...the black text...on your layer palette we have to move these around.... the arrow has to be at the top...the hand under the arrow...the blue text under the hand... the black text under the blue text....

Now we still have 1 layer left at the on it to highlight it and write your the text and with vector checked write your message......with your mouse find the arrows that will move your message on an angle......layers>convert to raster layer....... close off the arrow, the hand, the black text and the blue text....layers>merge visible.. ....rename this my text....

Now let's get this thing moving.....close off all layers except the arrow..duplicate the arrow and close it off.....and open the black text and duplicate....turn off this layer.....with your mover tool move the arrow down a bit to about


Now layers>merge visible.....rename layer 1 on the arrow and the black text and move the arrow a little closer to the greetings

Like so layers>merge visible and renmae layer 2...... close off that layer and open the blue text and the hand.............highlight the hand and move it to the corner of the blue text....

Like so

....layer>merge>visible>....... rename layer 3............

.......on your layer pallet drag text layer to the top of the stack...we will have to move some of the other layers around too...... make sure your layers are lined up like this

Open all your layers and save as........

...................Ok, now we are motoring...........

Open animation shop and click on your on the blue text and right click and duplicate.....edit>select all...animation>frame properties...I added 35....

Now is a good time to crop it....edit select all......crop........options>crop around opaque area, now on the last frame you may want to slow it to about 100.....

Boy this was a fun one.....thanks for looking and thanks Kelly for shareing
