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Blowing Bubbles

This is what we will be making

This is a selections tutorial and the picture is one of Penny Parkers, Penny has been kind enough to give me permission to use and share her work.The only thing we ask is "DO NOT REMOVE HER NAME FROM THE PICTURE"

This is the original picture

Please visit her site

Written by ©Dorothy, Feb/2006

Picture by Penny Parker




Make a new folder for the selections, don't add them to selections in PSP because you will never use them again and they can be worked from a folder on your desktop

Open the template in PSP

1)Add a new layer...selections...load from disk girls arms .sel....flood fill with #F0C5B5... add a new layer...flood fill with #404040....selections>modify>contact by 1...hit the delete none..with the draw tool line set at 1...color set at #404040 draw a few lines on the hands like so

2)Add a new layer...selections...load from disk...bubble stick .sel....flood fill with #808080... add new layer...flood fill with black...selections > modify>contract by 1...hit none

3)Add new layer...selections...load from disk...girls fingers.sel...flood fill with #F0C5B5.....add new layer...flood fill with 404040...selections>modify>contract by 1... hit with the draw tool size set at 1 and color set at #808080...draw little lines for her fingers

4)add new layer...selections load from disk...girls top...flood fill with white...add new layer...flood fill with 404040...selections>modify.contract by 1.. hit delete....selections load from disk... girls collar...flood fill with white....add new layer...flood fill with #808080..hit none

5)add new layer...selections...load from disk...girls sleeves....flood fill with white...add new layer...flood fill with black...hit delete...layers..merge>visible

6)Add new layer...selections...load from disk...girls your pink patch and with the fill tool set at pattern...flood fill her pants..add new layer flood fill with 404040...selections>modify>contract by 1... ...hit just drwa a little square on the side of her pants...

selections...load from disk...girls shadow.sel flood fill with #404040

7)Add new layer....selections...load from disk girld shoes.sel... flood fill with white...add new layer...flood fill with black..selections> modify>contract by 1....hit delete... select none...add new layer...selections load from disk girls sock...flood fill with pink...add new layer...flood fill with #808080...selections>modify> contract by 1..hit delete...selections...load from disk...girls toe... flood fill with white...add new layer ...flood fill with #404040...selections>modify>contract by1 ...hit delete...selections... load from disk...girls soles...flood fill with #C0C0C0...add new layer...flood fill with #808080....selections>modify>contract by 1... hit delete..with the draw tool,just draw a little square where her laces should be... add new layer...selections load from disk...girls back shoelace....flood fill with white...add new layer...flood fill with #404040...selections>modify>contract by 1... hit delete.....add a new layer...selections...load from disk...girls shoelace...flood fill with white...add new layer...flood fill with #404040...selections> modify>contract by 1...hit delete...

selections...load from disk...girls fill with white...add a new layer... flood fill with #404040...selections>modify>contract by 1...hit delete... Open the girls head and copy and paste as new layer...put the head in place.......awwwwwe now she looks like something...close off the background layer and the bottle layer... layers>merge>visible

9)Oopen background layer...Add new layer...selections...load from disk...boys face....flood fill with #F0C5B5... add new layer...flood fill with #808080...selections>modify>contract by 1 ...hit delete...selections...load from disk...boys hat... flood fill with white...add new layer...flood fill with #808080...selections> modify>contract by 1...hit delete...add new layer selections load from disk...hat shadows...flood fill with 808080...selectiond load from disk..hat button...flood fill with white..add new layer..flood fill with #808080... selections>modify>contract by 1.....hit delete.. selections...load from disk...boys hat brim...flood fill with green pattern...add new layer...flood fill with #808080...selections> modify>contract by 1......hit none

10)Selections..load from disk...boys back shoe...flood fill with white... add new layer...flood fill with #404040...selections> modify>contract by 1...hit delete...selections...load from disk...boys fron shoe...flood fill with white...add new layer...flood fill with #404040... selections>modify>contract by 1......hit delete... selections...load from disk...boys heel...flood fill with white....add new layer...flood fill with #404040...selections> modify>contract by 1...hit delete...selections..load from disk...boys sole...flood fill with #C0C0C0.. add new layer...flood fill with #404040...hit delete...selection load from disk....boys toe... flood fill with white...add new layer...flood fill with #404040..selections> modify>contract by 1...hit delete.. add a new layer...selections load from disk...boys shoelace...flood fill with white..add new layer...flood fill with #40400...selections>modify> contract by 1>.....hit delete....selections...load from disk..boys bubble stick... flood fill with 808080.add new layer...flood fill with #404040...selections>modify>contract by 1...hit delete.... selections load from disk...boys shirt...flood fill with green pattern... ...add new layer...flood fill with #404040...selections> modify>contract by 1..hit delete...selections...load from disk...boys sleeve...flood fill with green pattern....add new layer...flood fill with #404040.. selections>modify>contract by 1...hit none selection load from disk... boys back leg... flood fill with #6495ED...add new layer...flood fill with #404040... selections>modify>contract by 1...hit delete.. selections load from disk...boys front leg... flood fill with #6495ED...add new layer...flood fill with #404040 selections>modify>contract by 1.....hit delete...layers>merge... selections load from disk...cuff.sel....flood fill with #6495ED...add new layer...flood fill with #404040.... selections>modify>contract by 1....hit delete... .. draw a little line under his knee and a little pocket at the back and draw a little line where his belt shoud be

..add new layer...selections load from disk...boys arm... flood fill with #F0C5B5.. add a new layer...flood fill with #404040..add new layer..selections load from disk.. disk boys sleeve band...flood fill with green pattern.....add new layer flood fill with #404040...selections>modify>contract by 1..hit none.. ...selections load from disk...boys back...flood fill with F0C5B5....add new layer...flood fill with #404040... selections>modify>contract by 1...hit delete...selections...

open the bubble jar and place it by the boy...Layers>merge your picture and open it in AS... open your 3 and lge....duplicate your picture 9 times for a total of 10 on the small bubble...edit>copy... click on frame 1...edit..paste into selected frame and place the bubble a little ahaed of on his on frame 2...paste the bubble a little away from the previous bubble... open med on frame 3...paste into selected on frame 4... paste into selected on frame 5...paste into selected frame... open lge on frame 6...paste into selected frame and place this bubble in the girls on frame 7...paste into selected frame and place the bubble heading up the frame... click on frame 8...paste the bubble further on frame 9...paste the bubble at the on frame the bubble 1/2 off the frame... all...animation re size to all animation properties set at 21

And your done

Thank you Penny for being so generous and sharing your beautiful Picture with us
