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Blue Angel

Here are the supplies

Open your template in your text and shrink it to on your text tool...size 72...colour your choice... font Samaro...type your name and drag it to the bottom of the on the transform tool set at re size and with the middle node drag the text bigger.. and if need be drag it move the text so it looks like she is sitting on it... now open your material gallery and add a gel to the text

Make sure all layers are open(eye on)...While holding down the shift key... click on the top layer...then on the bottom layer to highlight them all...go to as...ufo file

At the top right corner of PI click on switch to open gif animator... click on "open existing image file"

Now the work begins..hehe


1)In the "object managers panel"..Close off all layers except the frame 1 and the text layer...(frame 1 will be the bottom of the stack) at the bottom left... right click on frame 1 and duplicate it...

2)In the "object managers panel"..Close off frame frame 2 (always leave the text layer open) at the bottom left... right click on frame 2 and duplicate it...

3)In the "object managers panel"..Close off frame frame 3 (always leave the text layer open) at the bottom left... right click on frame 3 and duplicate it...

4)In the "object managers panel"..Close off frame frame 4 (always leave the text layer open) at the bottom left... right click on frame 4 and duplicate it...

5)In the "object managers panel"..Close off frame frame 5 (always leave the text layer open) at the bottom left... right click on frame 5 and duplicate it...

6)In the "object managers panel"..Close off frame frame 6 (always leave the text layer open) at the bottom left... right click on frame 6 and duplicate it...

7)In the "object managers panel"..Close off frame frame 7 (always leave the text layer open) at the bottom left... right click on frame 7 and duplicate it...

8)In the "object managers panel"..Close off frame frame 8 (always leave the text layer open) at the bottom left... right click on frame 8 and duplicate it...

9)In the "object managers panel"..Close off frame frame 9 (always leave the text layer open) at the bottom left... right click on frame 9 and duplicate it...

10)In the "object managers panel"..Close off frame frame 10 (always leave the text layer open)

11)While holding down the shift key click on the last frame and then on the first frame to highlight them all....right click on one of the frames and click duplicate frame....go to frame... click on reverse frame order and click on "reverse the order of selected frames

You may want to re size her, when I did mine I got a jump in the girl, maybe it was my program, so I just left her the same size. If anyone can re size without the jump, please let me know how you did it.

Just save now...go to optimization and save your graphic

I hope you could follow me on this one, seems this is the easiest way to do animations in PI


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