This is another of Robert's cute little tags. I thought it might be nice for people using PhotoImpact

Written by ©Dorothy


Tag by Robert made in Paint Shop Pro

Let's get this thing fired up!


Open your font and shrink it to the the template...close off a layers except dragon fire on the text tool... with the text tool set at size 72 ...caps lock on..font gunhead chick.. enclosed in the supplies... or use your own font..........fill set at #719739 or your colour.....mode set at 3D round....type your name..and you will have to hit it with the transform tool ...set at re size...and with the node in the middle drag it up to the height of the it so the fire is going to hit one of the letters..... want one of the letters to burn

Drag your text to the bottom of the stack

1) Duplicate ..text....close off dragon 1... while holding down the shift on dragon 1 and the text layer... right click on one of the layers and "merge as single object" go to web...image optimizer...when the little box comes up click on "entire image" as gif and name this frame 1 ...close off this frame

2) Duplicate ..text....close off original...drag text to under dragon 2 layer and open dragon 2... while holding down the shift on dragon 2 and the text layer... right click on one of the layers and "merge as single object" go to web...image optimizer...when the little box comes up click on "entire image" as gif and name this frame 2 ...close off this frame

3) Duplicate ..text....close off original...drag text to under fragon fire layer... and open dragon fire... while holding down the shift on dragon fire and the text layer... right click on one of the layers and "merge as single object" go to web...image optimizer...when the little box comes up click on "entire image" as gif and name this frame 3 ...close off this frame

4)Duplicate ..text and drag it to under....dragon black.... with your lasso tool set at freehand....draw around your letters, kinda jaggy.. and with your airbrush tool with these settings size set at 10 and colour set at black...Spray inside the ants... while holding down the shift on dragon black... the text layer and the airbrush layer..... right click on one of the layers and "merge as single object" go to web...image optimizer...when the little box comes up click on "entire image" as gif and name this frame 4 ...close off this frame

Open gif animator by clicking on "switch" at the top right of on optimization wizard....put the numbers 486x170 in the little next...find your images and add them, this you can do by highlighting them all and they will add all at finish

Clik on frame 1 and frame 2 to highlight both frames... right click on these 2 frames and duplicate...right click on the 2 new frames and duplicate... right click on the 2 new frames and duplicate... for a total of 10 frames

Properties frames


Frame's...1...3...5.. 7 and 9...set at ...50

Frame's...2...4....6 and 8...set at 30

Frame 10 set at 150

Click on your selection tool and draw around your picture...go to edit "crop canvas"...much on preview and if you are satisified click on fle...optimization wizard... click next...make sure "yes recommended is checked in the next box... click save as and save to your favourite "OK" and your done!!!!

That otta do it for this one...thanks Robert for another cute tag.... if they are all this easy the 'bring 'em on

I hope you had fun with this one, any comments would be appreciated



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