Go Fetch

Another cute little tag by Robert and this time it'e "ELOISE", don't you just love her, I would love to do more with her in the tags

Written byİDorothy,June/2006

Tag by Robert


Go Fetch Template

Open your template in PSP...duplicate and close off the original... open your font if you are using mine(Abaddon) and shrink it to task bar

close off all layers except the background layer add a new layer... and with the text tool... size set at 28....sroke set at black...fill set at #CB9330 or your choice of colour... floating and antalias checked....line set at 1....type all but the last letter of your name...place it to the left of the canvas at the bottom... add this inner bevel

re name this layer text

Add a new layer and type the last letter of your name... same size and inner bevel.... place one of the copies right at the end of your text to make your name.... ....re name this layer single letter....duplicate this layer 3 times and turn off the original... let's re name these copies single letter 1 and single letter 2...sinle letter 3... drag single letter 2 to the top of the stack just under the rock layer

This is what your palette should looke like

OK, we're set to go!!!!!!

Close off all layers

1) Open background layer(take the glasses off) single letter 1... text...Eloise 1..arm down...dog.. and rock layer....take the single letter 1 and ..image flip...now place this letter in her hand ...making sure it is under her fingers..go to edit...copy>merged...open animation shop...right click on AS and paste as new animation...go back to PSP

2)Close off arm down and open arm middle layer.... ..place the single letter back in her hand...go to...edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

3)Close off arm middle ... open arm up.....place the single letter back in her hand and click on the deform tool and turn the letter to wards the rock... effects...sharpen......go to...edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

4)Close off arm up....open arm middle... with the single letter the active latyer...go to image....rotate 30 ...to the left and move it over a little.....effects>sharpen....go to...edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

5)Close off arm middle open arm down..with the single letter the active layer....image rotate 30 to the left... effects sharpen...and move it over a little further.... .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

6)..with the single letter the active layer....image rotate 30 to the left... effects sharpen...and move it over a little further... .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

7).....with the single letter the active layer....image rotate 30 to the left... effects sharpen...and move it over a little further and down to wards the rock..... .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

8)...with the single letter the active layer....image rotate 30 to the left... effects sharpen...and move it over a little further and down to wards the rock..... .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

9)..with the single letter the active layer....image rotate 30 to the left...move it down to the rock... move it over a little further...effects sharpen .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

10)..with the single letter the active layer....image rotate 30 to the left...move it down a little to the rock... move it over a little further...effects sharpen .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

11)..with the single letter the active layer....image rotate 30 to the left...move it down behind the rock... so just the top is showing...effects sharpen .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

12)Close arm down and open arm middle ..... close dog ...open dog 1.....close off single letter... .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

13)Close off arm middle 1.....open arm up ...close dog 1..open dog 2.... .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP>

14)Close off dog 2...open dog 3... .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP<

15)Close off dog 3...open dog 4... .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

16)Close off dog 4...open dog ..... .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

17)Close off dog 5...open dog 6 and with your lasso tool just lasso the front leg and delete...... .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

18)Close off dog 6...open dog 7.....close off arm up 1...open arm middle 1... .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

19)Close off dog 7...open dog 8....open single letter 2 and place it in the dog's mouth..close off arm middle 1... open arm down 1.. .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

20)Close off dog 8...open dog 9.... place the single letter in the dog's mouth.. .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

21)Close off dog9 ...open dog 10....place single letter in the dog's mouth.. .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

22)Close off dog10 ...open dog 11....place single letter in the dog's mouth.. .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

23)Close off dog101...open dog 12.. .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

24)Close off dog12 ...open dog 13...close off single letter 2..open single letter.. .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame...go back tp PSP

25)Close off single letter 2...open single letter 3 .edit>copy>merged.....in AS.. right click on last frame and paste after current frame

In AS...go to edit...select all...animation.. properties set at 25...right click on last frame...properties set at 150

A great way to spend the day with your dog. I hope you had fun with this tut and thanks for another great tag Robert



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