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Geisha Girl

This is an awesome tutorial made with selections by Gallery Estazia

Please visit

her site, and make sure you look around, she has some very awesome tuts and are easy to follow

I have checked this link and her site seems to be down, anyone knowing where it is please contact me

We have permission to link to her site to do the selections tut and when you have finished come back and see me for the animation part

Thanks for letting us share your talent

Written by ©Dorothy, July,2005

Tag by Gallery Estazia

Let's begin


Please read this little note before starting the not merge your fan layer when it calls for merging, we want the fan on it's own layer to animate will have to merge the fan layer and the fan pattern layer, but make sure the geisha layer is turned off


With permission I would like to offer the geisha already made for some who do not know how to do selections

Geisha Template

OK, now you have done the selections tut and have the fan on it's own layer... add a new layer and with your text tool....size set at 72...font, your choice, but I added mine to the supplies, vector and antalias checked.....color of your choice, I chose this....#BB0303....type your name....with your middle node...stretch the name higher and possibly stretch it in length.... place the geisha sitting on the name...make sure all the name can be seen....layers...convert to raster... add the eye candy glass effect...effect...eye candy... glass... with these settings

Close off the fan layer and merge the text layer and the geisha layer

Let's put a border around this elegant lady... add a new layer..selections...modify...contract by 8....selections invert... flood fill this border with #BB0303...merge the frame layer and the geisha layer and re name it geisha, now let's make it a little smaller, it's a big graphic.... image re size and I took mine to 300, your choice. Make sure "resize all layers" is checked.

1)With the fan layer and geisha layer open....edit...copy animation shop right click and paste as new animation

Don't worry about the hand when you lasso, as long as you are on the fan layer the hand will stay intact

2)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool....lasso a peice off the fan on the right side...make sure you get all of the pixels off...hit the delete key........edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

3)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool.....hit the delete key........edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

4)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool...lasso another peice of the fan ...hit the delete key........edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

5)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool....lasso another peice off the fan ...hit the delete key........edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

6)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool....lasso another peice off the fan ...hit the delete key........edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

7)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool....lasso another peice off the fan...hit the delete key........edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

8)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool....lasso another peice off the fan ...hit the delete key........edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

9)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool....lasso another peice off the fan ...hit the delete key........edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

10)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool....lasso another peice off the fan...hit the delete key........edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

11)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool....lasso another peice off the fan...hit the delete key........edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

12)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool....lasso another peice off the fan...hit the delete key........edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

13)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool....lasso another peice off the fan....hit the delete key....edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

14)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool....lasso another peice off the fan....hit the delete key....edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

15)With the fan layer the active layer and with your lasso tool....lasso another peice off the fan...hit the delete key........if this is your last cut make sure you leave a sliver to show she is holding a can make even more cuts if you wish but I found this amount gave a smooth animation....If this is your last frame....duplicate the geisha girl and turn off the on the girl and if you are good with the clone tool(I'm the pits with that tool)..clone in both eyes,but only 1/2 way. You will need to zoom in on this.... add a new layer and with your draw tool...line set at 1... colour set at black....draw a little line across where you cloned or painted.... I used the paint brush set at

and took the colour from her eye lids....edit...copy AS click on last frame and paste after current frame

16)Close off the copy of the geisha and open the clone in or paint in the whole eye...edit...copy merged...In AS...right click on last layer and paste after current layer

I found this gives a more smooth closing of the eyes

In animation shop click on all...animation frame properties set at 25.... all....edit copy...go to the very last frame... right click and paste after current frame.....making sure the last frames (17 to 31) are highlighted...animation reverse frames...animation frame properties set at 10... right click on first frame ...animation properties set at 100.... right click on the 2 frames with the eyes closed...should be 15 and 16... animation properties set at 50... right click on last frame...animation properties set at 150

This should give you a good animation but you can play with the settings

Thanks Estazia for sharing your lovely geisha with us

