High Wire

On With the show

Close off L14..open g2..(we don't need g1).image mirror and this should land her above the L14 girl...do this with all your g layers...open them and image mirror, if they don't fall on your letter then move the girls so the last one will fall on the letter...

This is what it should look like

got that done, now close off all layers and open just background line 1 and text....open g2...edit...copy merge...in AS ..have your first image open...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Do this with each girl and when g14 lands...close off line 1... close off text...open line 2...open curved text.....edit...copy...merge... in AS right click on the last frame and paste after current frame

Now you have her going the right way you will have to move all the layers over to the right so she will land on the platform

Moving with the de form tool:make sure you have the layer active you want to move...then click the de form tool...holding down the ctrl key and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard...move your girls along

Click on g2 and with the de form tool move her up a little...click on g3 and move her with the de form tool...keep moving each g layer until they girls look like this

Again close off all layers except the background ..close off line 2...open line 1... close off curved text...open text........open g2...edit...copy merge...in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame....keep doing this with all your girls until 14 lands on the platform

No move g 14... 1/2 off the canvas....edit..copy merge...in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Now go way back to frame 1 and right click...copy...go back to last frame ... right click and paste after current frame

That finishes the whole picture and makes it flow instead of stop and start


Edit...select all...aniimation frame properties set at 20....right click on first frame...animation properties set at 125..... right click on last frame ...animation properties set at 200

And your done

Thanks for doing my tut and thanks Tivis for sharing


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