Little Poser Fairy


This is a cute little poser fairy that I snagged from

Outlaw by design

I appreciate the use of this charming little fairy

So many people make these poser dolls and are so generous to share them with us

Ok, This is a real easy tut but has 20 frames

Written byİDorothy



Let's get started

Fairy supplies

Open your fairy template in PI the font and shrink it to task bar

Close off all layers except the top layer....with your text tool...size set at 72.... font set at Samrakan Oblique floating and antalias checked...2D object.. colour set at your choice .., I just used the eye dropper and chose a color from the fairies dress(such as it is )

Type your my name has t &h sticking up so I am going to use the eraser tool set at 10 and select these 2 letters and erase the tops of them... if you have letters sticking up do the none...

while ants are still moving... add eye candy glass with these settings

you may have to use the transform tool set at re size... to bring the text down further to be able to read it

OK, we are ready to start

Close off all layers (by clicking on the eye)

1)Duplicate the text and close off the original...drag the text down to under frame 1 at the very frame 1(click on the eye to open it)...

****while holding down the shift on the text frame and frame 1 to highlight just those 2 layers....right click on 1 of your highlighted layers and click on " merge as single object"....go to "web" Image the little box that comes up... click on "entire image and then click on the next box that comes up clic on "gif" and then save your image...go back and delete that frame****

This is the way we will do it with each frame, I won't add this every time

2)Duplicate the text and close off the original...drag the text down to under frame 2 at the very frame 2 and the text(click on the eye to open it)... ****

3)Duplicate the text and close off the original...drag the text down to under frame 3 at the very frame 3 and the text(click on the eye to open it)... ****

4)Duplicate the text and close off the original...drag the text down to under frame 4 at the very frame 4 and the text(click on the eye to open it)... ****

5)Duplicate the text and close off the original...drag the text down to under frame 5 at the very frame 5 and the text(click on the eye to open it)... ****

6)Duplicate the text and close off the original...drag the text down to under frame 6 at the very frame 6 and the text(click on the eye to open it)... ****

7)Duplicate the text and close off the original...drag the text down to under frame 7 at the very frame 7 and the text(click on the eye to open it)... ****

8)Duplicate the text and close off the original...drag the text down to under frame 8 at the very frame 8 and the text(click on the eye to open it)... ****

9)Duplicate the text and close off the original...drag the text down to under frame 9 at the very frame 9 and the text(click on the eye to open it)... ****

10)Duplicate the text and close off the original...drag the text down to under frame 10 at the very frame 10 and the text(click on the eye to open it)... ****

Keep doing this until the last frame is saved, you should have 20 frames

Now we have all 20 layers on the "switch" on the far right hand corner to open gif on animation wizard.... in the box that comes up enter 375x365 next and find all your layers you saved and click add can highlight then all and they will all show up at the same "next", next and finish in the boxes that pop you can preview your animations by clicking on "preview tab" if her wings are running smoothly and your satisfied click on "file>optimation wizard... click next in the box and next in the next box that pops up..."yes recommended in both optimization widard question finish in the next box and in the next box click "save as" and "OK" and save to your favourite folder

I'm not too good at PI but I hope you could follow along and enjoy the tut

Thanks for doing my tut and visiting my site



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