Let's Swing!!!!!!!

This is just a little tut I put to gether and very easy to do. I used the font"moonstar", only because I thought it weird LOL. You can use any font you wish.I did include it in the tools.

You are welcome to share this tut and also link back to this page, but do not copy and paste to another site and do not claim it as your own

Written by ©Dorothy

..........OK! Let's swing!!!!!........

The tools you will need are


A little note before we start, you may want to make the heart smaller and you may want to add more, whatever floats your boat

Open all the tools in PSP, open the font and shrink it to the task bar, it will show up in PSP by doing it that way.....close the hand off, we won't need that until the end.....shrink the heart and the mirrored cat, we will use that last.... There is one empty layer, click on that layer to highlight it.... click on text tool and with stroke at null and fill at whatever colour.... size 72... font..moonstars.....vector and antalias checked... type your name and click ok...now grab the side node and drag your name a little wider, makes it easier for the cat on the letters, you can grab a middle node and make it bigger if you like I just made mine wider.....Layers>convert to raster layer........move the text under the cat so his foot is on the first letter.

With your name all set up close off all layers except the text and the layer 1 and layers>merge visible....re name that layer text...now you have 4 layers.. top..star...2nd...cat...3rt text and the last one is the hand....now we are going to work like raven does(bet you can't guess where I learnt to tut LOL)duplicate the text layer and drag it down above the hand layer.........duplicate the cat layer and drag it down above the text layer......duplicate the star layer and drag it down above the cat layer...close off all the originals.....

Highlight the copy of the star layer and with the picture tube tool set at rope(that should have come with PSP) scale set at 25 ..step set at 1...draw a rope from the star to the cat's hand......layers merge visible...re name it frame 1......close off that frame....

Duplicate the text and drag the copy to above the frame 1 layer...close off the original text...click on and duplicate the cat layer and drag it above the copy of text layer....close off the original...duplicate the star and drag it to above the copy of cat layer.....close off the original...now with your cat highlighted and with your mover tool ...move the cat to the next letter.....you may need to rotate him about 10 degrees....image >rotate...10 to the left ...now highlight your copy of star layer and draw the rope from the star to the cat's hand.......layers>merge visible and re name that frame 2.....close off that layer and duplicate the text layer and drag it down above the frame 2 layer .... duplicate the cat layer and drag the copy down above the copy of text layer....duplicate the star layer and drag the copy... down above the copy of cat layer... with the copy of cat layer highlighted and using your mover tool move him to the next letter and you may have to rotate him again.....highlight your copy of star layer and draw your rope from the star to the cat's hand...layers>merge visible

Do this with each letter untill and including the last letter.....

OK, now we have done the last letter...as before duplicate and drag down the text ... and the star...this time copy and paste the mirrored cat and place him just a little above the text

Like so

Highlight your star layer and draw your rope but don't put it in his hand, just let it fly in the breeze...layers>merge visible and re name...... click on the text ...drag it down to above your last frame ...drag the star layer down above text....copy and paste your mirrored cat.. this time place him at the last letter.... like he has his arm around the letter......now drag the text above the cat so it looks like he's behind the text

Like so

Now remember the hand we have at the bottom....open it and drag it to above the text layer and move it in place on the cat...highlight your star..and like before draw a rope but let it swing in the breeze too..... layers>merge visible

You will have 1 cat layer left, just delete him

open all your layers and save as....Open your image in AS and edit >select all...animation>resize... I brought mine to 400....go to the last frame and right click and duplicate selected frame..... do this 3 times for 4 frames....now remember the heart?... open it in AS.... edit...copy......select 1 frame at a time and copy and paste your heart in each of the 4 frames, do this more than once to give a few hearts in each frame... . placing them in different places on the canvas.....edit ..select all...edit....frame properties set at 35.... go to the last frame and right click >frame properties about 50.....click on your animation button and watch him swing....

And that's all there is there 'aint no more

Hope you had fun



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