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Miss Deep South

From her Bio: "Miss Deep South, Laurinda Summerford, is a sophomore at Miss Frink's Female Academy where she is carrying a double-major in home economics and cancer research. Other interests include collecting clown memorabilia and organizing Right-To-Life rallies. Upon graduating, she would like to fight cancer where it begins. And that's in the home."

From the secret files of
Elizabeth Glamgauer-Meade

"The Brunette in the show, others may have brunette hair, but only she knows how to work it. At the same time (and she sees no contradiction in this) she is the Lady, the only one of the contestants (she believes) who knows that in order to be a winner, a lady always has to come in second
to her man. She has a very narrow and ritualized sense of "femininity" which is frequently outraged by the other contestants' behavior and attitudes. Her talent is ventriloquism."

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