<title>Memorable Woyzeck Quotes</title>
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<font size= "9"><align="left">Memorable Woyzeck Quotes</h1>
 "Dylan, you have to do something. You can't just stand there like a little biscuit in the desert!"<p>
"Could you be like a naughty boy and grab her tits and ass?"<p>
"Do you think you could ...how you say... make the fucking movement? You know, like hot teenage American sex?"<p><p><p>
Christian:What's that [<i>Ring Around the Rosy</i>] about?<p>
Oscar: The Plague. You know the big epidemic that killed all the people in countries like yours.<p>
Christian: Well you know what? I SURVIVED!!!<p><p><p>

Oscar: Let all the little children come <i> on to </i> me.<p>

"You need to be more horny like Sloan."
Christian (In a high falsetto): "It's getting hot in here. So take off all your clothes in here.It's getting so hot in here, I wanna take my clothes off!"<p>
"The sex is too dynamic!"
"Your tits are not secret!" <p>
"Could you sleep like little embryos?"<p>
"& on...& on....& on..& on..."<p>
(Upon receiving the card) Christian: I am almost moved!(After opening the gift & finding the drinking mug) Now, I am moved.<p>
