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Jellicle High

I have two new things to add to the site. I have had a few requests to add things to the site.

If you have any artistic talent, which everyone does to some extent, if you have Jellicle High artwork from any section of my Jellicle High story, or a picture of the character(s) in their Jellicle High clothing, please send it in to me. I will put it up on my site and give you all the credit that goes with it. I myself am not that good of an artist, but I will try as well. So, if you have anything at all (pencil drawings, watercolors, crayons, computer-drawn images, etc. etc.) that somehow pertains to Jellicle High (my version only please) please send it in to me to put up on my site. Nothing will be turned away unless it is extremely inappropriate (obsene gestures or positions) or if it does not relate to Jellicle High. This is not a fanart site for just any CATS picture. It must be related to my Jellicle High story. (If you wish to give it a title, by all means, go ahead. You can quote my story or make up your own. Please specify what the title is when you send it to me.)

Secondly, I have had a few requests for people to write their own Jellicle High stories and send them in to me to put up on this website. I must admit it's nice to have the official Jellicle High Angelfire address:) I am completely open to accepting other people's stories for my site. If you have a Jellicle High story that you've written, send it to me! I will put it up, though it probably will not be right away, since I am so busy. If you use ANY of my character descriptions, you MUST give me credit for it. My characters are copyrighted, and they cannot be used without my permission. And you absolutely CANNOT use any of my story ideas. *Example: Mungojerrie getting locked in a closet by his abusive father.* It has already been used by me and therefore is copyrighted under my authorship. I don't mind if you have some of the same general themes, such as cheerleader tryouts, love couples, etc., but anything that is used in my story is not allowed unless given full permission by me. I ask that if you do want me to put up your story, please HTML it beforehand, because I do not have time to go through and add all the paragraph tabs and everything to your stories. And please, please, run it through spell-check. That lovely, handy, little icon that tells you how many mistakes you made. If your story is not properly edited, I will send you a note telling you to fix it before you send it back in. Please make it as neat as possible, so put paragraphs or breaks between paragraphs. As a grammar note, it's the beginning of a new paragraph every time a new character speaks. One of my pet peeves is people who put huge paragraphs of back and forth lines. You get so lost you don't know what the Heavyside is going on. I also ask that if you write a story, it not be rated anything past 'R'. If you need a reference for that, look at my story. Anything more graphic than that is a no-no. I will be the judge of whether or not your story is inappropriate. I am pretty lenient, but I do not want any problems with parents or Angelfire or anything like that. If you are puzzled about if something is appropriate or not, don't hesitate to e-mail me, and I'll be glad to help you or review what you want to know. And just in case this is the deal, if the story is in chapters, the story does NOT have to be complete, but it must at least have a half-way decent start that at least gives us a general idea of what's going to happen. If the chapters have titles, please tell me that. I will put the titles on the page with the story.
**Note** If you send me a Jellicle High story, please send it in a WinWord document ONLY. Saved as a .doc file with the HTML added into it. You will know if you did it right by if you can see the HTML in the text. (e.g. < br >Pouncival sat down in his chair. < i >I am such an idiot!< /i >) *The spaces omitted, of course.*

Well, I'm sorry I had to put all that text in there, but I needed to tell you everything. So send in all your Jellicle High stuff. If you have something that is not art or a fanfic but is somehow related to Jellicle High, tell me, and I'll probably allow it on my site. This I hope will become the biggest Jellicle High website on the net, not that there are any that I really know of. There's another thing: any Jellicle High links to WEBSITES. Not RPGs, cause there are so many out there. One day I might do that, but not now.
I ask that if you send pictures or fanfics, please send them to me at That is my new e-mail address, and I use it to keep everything organized. So please e-mail me at that address with stories or art. If you have questions, either address is fine.
If you send me any pictures, please send them as attachments, preferrably in .jpg or .gif format, because my computer cannot open certain files, so please try to send it that way. If it is a major problem, you can always post it on your website if you have one, and send me the address. I'd be happy to go and get it for you. And if you send a story, I don't care what format it's in, as long as it's HTMLed and opens. (I have Microsoft Word 2000, if that helps anyone.) So send me in all your stuff, people! Let's make this site a little more fan-interactive.

See the Art Work So Far
