Bosty, or Boston is next on the list of Interviews. *Luna grins and waits for her to come out.*
B: *Boston takes a deep breath, plasters a confident smile on her face, and trots out* Hi! 
L: *Luna smiles at her.* Have a seat Boston, this ain't gonna kill ya. *She gave a smirk that was reminiscent of her fathers.*
B: *Boston grins back more naturally and sits down, folding her legs beneath her* Great.. 
L: *Luna sits in a similar fashion.* Ok, first of, is Boston you're full name?
B: *scratches one of her ears thoughtfully* Well, I don't really know my name.. I've been called a number of things- Musetta, Muffin, Lady.. and then Boston just stuck. I don't know if it's my first or second name, even. P'raps I'll find out someday soon. *bites her lip* 
L: *Luna nodded slightly.* Alrighty then. Umm...who's your family?
B: Well, I don't know my father, but my Mum's Demeter- I know I have a sister named Mipyr, too.
L: *Luna grinned.* Demi's a really cool queen. Do you know your sister well?
B: Well, I like to think so, but she's so complex that sometimes, I'm not sure! *princely grin*
L: *Luna smiled.* Well I think you're lucky to even have a sister.
B: *Ducking her head, Boston blushed slightly* Thank you, I agree...
L: *Luna smiled softly.* Is there anyone in the yard that you LIKE?
B: I.. Well, yeah, I guess I like a few of the toms. I.. You're not going to ask who, are you? *wide eyes* Oh, Everlasting Cat, if you ask who..!
L: *puts her paws up.* I'm not gonna make you answer, honest! But I am kinda curious...
B: Well, see.. I.. Well.. *stifles a laugh, then clears her throat and rushes into her sentence* Quaxo-I-hope-he's-not-gonna-find-out!
L: *She giggled a bit.* Well, he is a sweetie, that I'll say...and just to make you feel better, I doubt he ever comes near these interviews.