L: Ok, on to my next interview, with my good friend Marina. *Luna tugs a pretty, black queen onto the stage.*
M : Ack! *Rolls her eyes*
L : *Luna giggles* This ain't gonna 'urt Marina!
M : That's what you said last time!
L : Well, this time nothing could possibly hurt you! I'm just gonna interview ya!
M : *grumbles under breath.* Okay fine! Go for it!
L : *giggles* Ok, have a seat Marina...now, first off, how old are ya?
M : Umm okay. *Sits down.* Why do I have to answer that, You know that Already!
L : So everyone else will know silly!
M : Oh. *glares and Luna* 20 almost 21 in human years... *thinks* Geez I'm getting old... Don't put that in will you.
L : *Giggles* Hey, 'member, I'm a lil older than you silly!
M : Oh... Okay. *commits that to memory.*
L : *smiles.* Ok...who's your family?
M : Umm What sorta family? *rolls eyes*
L : Parents, siblings, that sorta thing
M : Oh, Well, yes I have those. *Looks mischievous.*
L : well? who are they? *wiggles nose, being quite patient*
M : They're my parents and my brother... *rolls eyes again.*
L : *Luna giggles* Well, what are their names?
M : Oh... you want details too?
L : *Grins and nods.* Of course
M : Oh... Well... Do I have to? *Looks positively shifty.*
L : *Nods.* Well, it'll be good to know...I mean, to know me no one would guess my parents are my parents ya know
M : Well no one would guess my parents are mine either Luna, well you would, but you know! *is trying to get out of this now.*
L : *Bites her lip.* Marina, no one is gonna hold anything against you, I promise.
M : *Sighs* You sure?
L : *Nods.* I'm absolutely positive. *smiles.* After all, they don't hold anything against my own dad and mum
M : You're parents are cool!
L : *she giggled.* Yeah, but they get into a lot more trouble than they should
M : But they're cool. *thinks she's gonna get away with it.*
L : *smiles.* Thanks, now, back to my question about who your family is. *Smirks*
M: Marina looked at her, And sighed fine I'll tell you but don't blame me if the audience stops reading! My dad is Macavity!
L: *Luna tilts her head to the side.* Do you know your mom? *She didn't seem fazed by the fact of who Marina's father was*
M: Yes I knew her, she's dead now.
L: That sucks...How'd she die?
M: Can't say.. *more like doesn't want to say.*
L: *Luna nodded.* you don't have to...umm...how long have you been in the junkyard?
M: I don't know... *thinks* Quite a while.
L: *Smirks* there any tom you like here?
M: *glares at you,* no...
L: *giggles.* I don't believe you
M: *rolls eyes*
L: what? *asking innocently*
M: it doesn't matter... Misto
L: Aww, Misto's a sweet guy.
M: Yeah he is, so sweet!
L: *giggles.* Um...so, what's your favorite hobby?
M: umm.... what are yours?
L: *tilts her head to the side.* I like being by myself at night...
M: That's a hobby?
L: *Ducks her head slightly.* I like just sitting in the moonlight and listening....
M: *Marina grins.* What else do you like doing?
L: I kinda like hanging around my friends...
M: *Marina nods* And?
L: and what?
M: what else?
L: nothing much else really...
M: Oh I see. *looks at Luna confused*
L: what? *blinks*
M: Thought you were interviewing!
L: *Wiggles her nose.* oh! Yeah! *giggles* Sorry....what's your favorite game?
M: umm dunno probably hide n go seek, yours?
L: *giggles* I like playing Tag
M: Tag? probably kiss chase more like!
L: *looks shocked.* Just what do you mean by that?!
M: Nothing. *smirks*
L: *arches an eyebrow.* I know you meant something, so tell.
M: I meant nothing Luna!
L: Yeah right! If you hadn't meant something you wouldn't have seen it!
M: seen it! *giggles*
L: seen what?!
M: nothing.
L: Tell me Marina!! *is set to tackle Marina outta her chair*
M: Nothing! *hisses slightly.*
L: *jumps at Marina, tackling her to the floor.* Tell!
M: ACK!!! Someone help!
L: I'll let ya up if ya tell me what ya meant with that.
M: *zaps Luna*
L: *yelps and halfway jumps off Marina*
M: *scrambles outta the way*
L: *snorts and gets back in her chair.*
M: *grins*
L: *frowns for a moment.*
M: What? I was only joking!
L: Well, I didn't think it was funny.
M: *mutters* Sorry
L: *sighs softly*
M: *grumbles*
L: *sighs and glances around.* Um...I'm sorry to Marina...I shouldn't have gotten upset
M: That's okay, now cheer up we have an interview to finish.
L: *giggles suddenly.* Actually I can't think of anything more to ask...
M: *rolls eyes.*
L: *Smiles sheepishly.* Anything more you wanna ask me?
M: Yes, Why didn't you have a list of questions?
L: Cuz I do these off the top of my head...
M: What a surprise... *giggles*
L: *sticks her tongue out at her.*
M: *pounces*
L: *grunts and tries to push Marina off her.*