*Luna smiles.* Next up is my friend Nemi, or Nemisis. *Glances to the side for the young queen to enter.*
N: *walks in, waving wildly, a plastic sword in hand and green furry 'antennae' atop her head* Hulllloooo!
L: *Luna struggles to refrain from bursting into a fit of laughter.* Have a seat Nemi
N: *grins and sits, propping her plastic sword against the seat*
L: *Still struggling not to laugh.* Umm...Nemi, may I ask what's with the sword and antennae?
N: Ah, ins a big symbolic...thing... I went to Florida with my School Band and my 3 best gal friends all bought plastic swords and Tari and I bought Antennae... and we embarrassed the band members and people around us... it's just a part of 'me' now
L: *Smiles slightly.* So, I take it you're one of the 'crazy' types, as in you like to do things that are completely unexpected?
N: Sometimes... only sometimes... Actually, only when around people I know well or will never see again... in all actuality, I'm very calm and serious. I guess I have an Electra or Tantomile personality... I'm someone who can be serious when need be, but can make people laugh and have fun... I don't do crazy things, but I don't get embarrassed easily
L: *Giggles a bit.* You sound a little like my parents
N: I have received many "Jellylorum's" and "Jennyanydots'" in "What cat are you" quizzes, so I guess I can be parent like...
L: *Giggles* I can't see it, but I'll take your word for it... *wiggles her nose a bit.* Ok...Um, What's your full name?
N: Nemisis Cedarulean... Third name unknown at this moment!
L: *Luna smiled.* You don't have to tell the third name, remember? It's a Jellicle thing to keep it secret. *Scratches at her left ear.* Ok...You got any family in the yard?
N: I know, but I still don't know it! *giggles*
L: *Shrugs.* Well...at least you have a second name....So, any family?
N: Family... well, I really don't have any except my brother Yezelskio... we don't know who our parents are... but Jellylorum took us in... and Coricopat and Tantomile are like older siblings to us... other than that, no one is directly related to us
L: *Sighs* Another that has a sibling. *She muttered then shook her head and looked directly at Nemi with a smirk much like her mother's mischievous one.* There any tom you like specifically?
N: *raises an eyebrow* Well... I am very fond of Coricopat *blushes*
L: *Giggles a bit.* That's sweet. Well, what's your favorite thing to do?
N: Well... I don't know... I like to bound around and act stupid sometimes.. and them I just like to sit and think other... I'm a pretty diverse cat...
L: *Luna giggled.* You definitely are Jellicle then.
N: I guess I am! I'm not one to jump out in the center or anything, though... I'd rather not be noticed than the center of attention... and as much as I sound like her, I'm not that great of friends with Etcetera... we never really got along...
L: *Luna giggles.* Oh, so ya dun get along with Aunt Etcy...And I didn't think you sounded like her
N: Well, many people think I'm a carbon copy of her when I'm playing around... I have hyper moments... but Etcy's just a screaming, blundering fool sometimes... *giggles*
L: *Snickers.* Sometimes she's too hyper for her own good...
N: Very true... that's why I prefer hanging out around Quaxo, Tantomile, Coricopat, and Electra... they're all relatively calm most of the time...
L: *Luna nodded.* I can imagine that...I prefer being by myself most of the time.
N: Really now? I find that I get awful lonely easy... I can't stand to be alone for long...
L: *Shrugs slightly.* I guess I like being alone sometimes....Though I do like being around my friends, just that sometimes they get too hyper for me...
N: Ah...that's why I stay around the calm ones! *giggles*
L: *Giggles.* Well, most everyone knows I'm totally different from everyone else...you want to know why?
N: yea! why?
L: You're going to think I'm totally crazy, but I can hear the moon talking to me.
N: wow! I wish I could hear the moon talking to me....
L: *Luna looked at her.* Really?
N: Yea! I feel drab and normal
L: You shouldn't...I always feel like I don't fit in because of it.
N: ah, fitting in is no fun! You gotta be happy with what ya got!
L: *She smiled a bit.* I guess you're right.
N: yup! 
L: So, there anything you wanna ask me now?
N: Erm... uhh... weeelllllll... I dunna!
L: *Giggles* I'll give ya a minute to think about it.