Here is the character list: (all ages are as of 6-17-2002)

Afra - A golden tom with emerald green eyes. He is the main protector of the yard, with a slight ability for telepathy, though only able to communicate telepathically with other telepaths, and telekinesis. He is approximately 2 years old.
Aldain - The true leader of the tribe. A large copper colored tom with yellow eyes. Age isn't known. (cuz he's like Old D)
Amaranth - pure black queen with onyx eyes. She has a tendency to not be one of the nicest queens. She has one single magic ability, being that she is capable of taking the form of another feline, but she must touch that feline. Age is about 1 1/2 years.
Andromeda - One of the several kittens in the yard. She's a silver/gray queen with black spotting along her tail. She is six months old.
Apollo - He's one of Andromeda's brothers, from the same litter. He's a mysteriously colored tom, silver and gold, seeming to swirl together, which gives him the capability for hypnosis. He is six months old.
Aris - A red and black queen, who seems to prefer staying out of the way. She had a rough life as a kitten. Though when she does interact she is like a mother to a lot of the others in the yard. She has deep grey eyes. Age, 3 years.
Comet - A black tom with golden highlights in his fur. He has golden eyes, and normally quite a sweet tom. He's just become an adult recently.
Cronos - a pure white tom with onyx eyes. he has the ability to see through time. he is quite usually quiet and a little shy. Age 3 years.
Damia - A black queen with white markings and deep blue eyes. She is the Alpha Female of the yard and Mate to Afra. She is 1 1/2 years old. She is a strong powered catalytic telepath and telekinetic, being catalytic means she can increase anyone else's ability's. She has one disadvantage to her tele-abilities, she is unable to use them when she is in heat or pregnant.
Jasper - a mischievous tri-color tom with brandy brown eyes. He is a bit of a thief, but never does it to harm anyone. Age, 1 year. He has the ability to walk around unnoticed, almost as if he is invisible.
Larak - a nearly completely black tom with brilliant blue eyes, he has one distinct white streak that begins right above his left eyes and goes up and slightly around to behind his ear and ends at the back of his neck. He is mildly telepathic, much like his sister Damia. He is slightly over a year old.
Luna - The mystic of the tribe. She is the one that heralds the Moons phases and can always tell when the Jellicle Ball is at it's highest point (basically Jemima/Sillabub). Age, 8 months.
Lyona - a gray and black tabby queen, who is unable to communicate in the normal fashion as her vocal cords have been removed by cruel humans. She has had a bad time of it with alley toms attacking her since she was unable to call for help. She can communicate via Telepathy though, and can purr and growl, as those have nothing to do with vocal cords. Age, 1 year
Mikim - a rather boisterous kitten, and odd looking to boot. He is all gray with a single black stripe running from the tip of his nose and up over his head and straight down his back to the very tip of his tail.
Orion - a young tom, kind of a secondary protector. older brother to Andromeda and Apollo. He's gray/silver with dark gray markings. Age 1 1/4 years. Orion has the ability to influence light, meaning he can make a small area dark in the daytime, or light in the nighttime.
Osiris - A very cruel tom, an outcast of the tribe. He is always disturbing the tribe and causing trouble. He has a tendency to steal kittens, at one point it is thought that he kitt-napped Aris when she was a kitten. He's a dark gray tom with black stripes, looking similar to a white tiger's stripes. Age, unknown
Tambra - A deep red queen, with a sultry attitude. She has dark emerald green eyes. She has as much of a tendency to flirt as Starbuck, with the same attitude. She doesn't seem to want a mate, but that's because she hasn't found anyone worth her. Age 3 years.
Sabrina - Another mother figure to the tribe. She is all black with golden markings. She is Orion, Apollo, and Andromeda's real mother, their father is unknown, as she had been pregnant with Apollo and Andromeda when she arrived with Orion, who's father had already died. Age 4 years
Salira - A quiet queen, though she loves to play games with the other kittens. She is usually off to the side thinking about how she would have been if she hadn't been abandoned as a baby, then she thinks of how glad she is to be a member of the tribe and perks up. She's a ginger-ish colored queen, with dark red streaks in her fur, almost looking like blood.
Sol - a red gold Maine coone, Starbuck's cousin, but nothing like him at all. He has a sweet demeanor, and a gentle attitude. He is the one that heralds the end of the Jellicle Ball, when the choice is made. Age, 9 months.
Starlight - A black queen that was adopted into the tribe when she was 2 months old. She was given the name of Starlight because her coat is midnight black with white flecks all in it. She has a power of healing, when she touches the wounded she closes her eyes and focuses, little pin-points of light shoot from the white flecks of her coat and the beams that penetrate the wounded one cause the other to glow and heal the wound.
Starbuck - a honey colored Maine coone, with light brown eyes. He's a bit of a flirt, but never one to actually hurt the queens feelings. (he's basically Tugger.) Age 3 years.
Ursus - A rather clumsy seeming tom, though good in a fight, he's rather large, built sort of looking like a bear. Age 2 1/2 years.
Zera - A Black with white patches queen, she's a bit of a feisty one, she's a fighter queen. Age 1 3/4 years.

Look at the board to find out who is taken.
Everlasting Cat (since I'm GM this is like playing God, lol)

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