This is one of my good friends, her name is Travie. *Luna smiles and tugs Travie back on the stage.* It's ok Travie, you'll live through this. Ok, to start, I'll be asking a few questions about you.
*Travie smiles a little and scuffs her paw on the floor.*
Well, I guess I'd best ask my questions now. *Luna smiles and sits down in her chair and lets Travie sit in hers*
L: So, Travie...First off, how old are you?
T: year and 7 months
L: *Luna smiles and twitches her nose.* Who is in your family Travie?
T: My mother is Bombalurina, I am not sure if I have any siblings, I have three purr-fect kittens , Alonza , Tug and Mist and a purr-fect boy friend...
L: *Luna smiled.* So, who is the father of your three kittens? Is the father your boyfriend?
T: *Travie looks kind of uneasy* It wasn't my boyfriend. It was Alonzo
L: *Luna nods.* Ah, I see...umm...who is your boyfriend then?
T: Misto
L: *Luna grinned.* That's great. Misto's a good friend of long have you two been together?
T: Since I was ...* thinks* two or three months old
L: *Luna arched an eyebrow.* I meant as a couple...
T: yes.... two/three months...we've known each other since Matty was born
L: *Luna shrugged slightly.*, what are your interests?
T: I like a lot of stuff, reading writing drawing singing... you know the normal stuff.... I also like going to the Pollicle tribe and hanging out with Cliffy and Chewy
L: You've got Pollicle friends? *Looks a little surprised*
T: Yea, Matty introduced us... They are really quite nice.
L: *Luna nods slightly.* I guess as long as they're nice.
T: they are..... *Travie nods*
L: *Luna smiled a bit, then clears her throat.* You said you like reading, what kind of books?
T: I like history, and crime stories, plus mystery and horror... I have read some teen books, and they are all right, I like the books about the holocaust, Hitler was evil.
L: *Luna grins.* Did you know I love historic novels, along with mysteries?
T: *Travie smiles* that's great. They are so cool
L: *Luna nods.* Yeah
T: *Travie smiles again*
L: So...what are your fears Travie?
T: *Travie's smile dropped* I have a lot of fears.... spiders and the girl from the Exorcist at the top
L: *Luna nods.* I agree about the spiders...I've never seen Exorcist...
T: scares me green . I'll never watch it again. NEVER! *Travie shudders*
L: *Luna leans over and sorta hugs Travie.* Sorry. Umm...what's your dream Travie?
T: I have many dreams.... *Travie said and starts to trail off*
L: What's your big dream? the one thing you want to do over all else?
T : I want to be famous... isn't that everyone's main dream?
L : *Luna chuckled.* Not me...but then again, I've always been a little strange.
T : I would have never guessed
L : *Luna giggled.* Well, with the name Luna wouldn't you think I'm strange, being named after the moon.
T : I'm named after a boy... *Travie said with a smile*
L : *Luna laughed softly.* Well, at least you have a unique name...perfect for a Jellicle
T : Travisina grey......... *Travie thinks it over*
L : *Luna smiled.* I think it's a purr-fect Jellicle name
T : thank ye.... *Travie said with a smile*
L : Yer welcome. *Luna smiled, her parent's cockney accent showing through her.*
T : *Travie smiled again*
L : *Luna looked at the clipboard in her lap.* Well...I don't have any more questions for you...but you can ask me a couple if you want to.
T : *Travie thinks* How old are you?
L : *Luna wrinkled her nose* I'm a year and a half.
T : cool cool. *Travie smiles. * do you like Pollicles?
L : *Luna shook her head.* No, but then again I tend to avoid them cuz they scare me a bit.
T : oh. *Travie says and looks at her *any boy friend?
L : *Luna kinda bit her lip.* Well....not exactly....there is this tom that I like but I'm too scared to say anything to him
T : I'd be scared to. *Travie said* I'm very shy
L : *Luna nodded* Yeah...he's an unusual tom, just like I'm unusual... *Luna glanced at Travie.* Anything else you want to ask me?
T : *Travie thought* not that I know of
L : Well, I guess that's that for this, don't you think?
T : I guess so... *Travie says and starts to get up*
L : *Luna got up and suddenly hugged Travie.* Thanks for being here to do this Travie.
T : *Travie hugged her back awkwardly* no prob bob
L : *Luna grinned at Travie.* later gator. *she then raced off stage.*
T : *Travie waves at the camera and exits too*