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Ah, terpsichorea! Munkustrap was in his glory that evening, silver tabby fur and cryptic, unforgettable eyes reflecting the moonlight. The cat was maddened by the midnight dance, leading his tribe in an exhibition of poise and grace, moonlight pumping through their veins.

As their celebration slowed, Munkustrap whispered up to the moon, "Why will the summer day delay? When will time flowe away?" He bent in veneration to the silver orb that gave him life, the eye of the Everlasting Cat.

Deuteronomy was just about to speak when the shattering of glass was heard and the junkyard blacked out. Felinity hid, burrowing into the bowels of the junkyard. The Hidden Paw had struck at a perfect moment this time. Munkustrap and a hestitant Alonzo made rounds to ensure that Macavity had left with his cronies; the junkyard was soon rectified, and Munkustrap began to beckon his tribe's return to the night.

Slowly but surely, the Jellicles emerged from hiding, Munkustrap making mental note of each face he saw. Finally, everycat was present. Everycat but Demeter.

Munkustrap's eyes found Alonzo's. Without words, both knew they had not seen her. Taking a deep breath, the silver mackeral fetched Jennyanydots.

"Yes, dear?" she asked as she saw him approach. "Is everything all right?"

"Have you seen Demeter?" he asked softly.

The old Gumbie Cat began to scan the junkyard as she spoke, already knowing her answer. "Why, no, my dear, I can't say that I have." At that, Munkustrap's face fell. "Don't despair!" she proclaimed, watching him closely. "I'm sure she's around here somewhere." Jennyanydots cleared her throat as she stepped atop the tire next to Old Deuteronomy. She began to whisper in his ear, and when she had finished, he looked quite shaken.

"Excuse me, my dears!" called Jennyanydots. "Would you all quiet down?" Munkustrap noticed how remarkably calm she always stayed; that was exactly why he depended on her. As the junkyard came to a hush, the winder of curtain cord continued. "Now I know we're all a bit shaken by...well, recent events, and rightfully so, but it is important that we all remain clam. One of our number seems to be missing. I want this junkyard searched tirelessly until Demeter can be found!"

This caused quite a commotion, but before Munkustrap could stop her, Jennyanydots was organizing the search effort: small groups, each designated to their own area, were canvasing the junkyard. Even the kittens wanted to help, looking in the most impossible places (under pieces of junk like old cans, mousetraps, and the like).