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Binding The Knots

I could feel the sunbeams dance across my face, but I did not wish to get up. Just five more minutes please. I've just about killed Macavity, saved the Jellicles and freed all the prisoners Macavity has taken over the years.

"Get up Daddy! I'm hungry!" Oh the joys of fatherhood. A quick bite of my tail did it. I was up and off for food. She owes me for this. Hmph, she's still sleeping soundly at my side. Why couldn't they wake her instead? About a month ago, I became a father for the first time and it is definitely a learning experience. Now I can understand why her father was so angry with her when she ran away. Ughhh! Where do these kittens find so much energy so early in the morning? They're going to eat us out of the junkyard.. I don't know how either of us keep a sane head. Something darted in front of me: a mouse. Breakfast for the little darlings. I sat down and began to remember back before the knots come into our lives. Come to think of it, my kittenhood really wasn't much different than her's, well apart from the geography and the cats involved. Anyway, her life began with the fall of snow in the month of April.

All was quiet, not a sound from the pavement. The sun was slowly rising on the Scottish Highlands. A cock crowed in the small hamlet of Gumberly. A train whistle sounded. The Midnight Mail was just pulling into the station, the final stop on its voyage. The station master brought warning to the driver not to carry on home until about noon. It had snowed the night before and the tracks were covered.

On the train, a cat named Skimpleshanks, began to wonder 'why isn't the train moving?' He walked up to the driver who turned and said to the puzzled cat,

"We're not moving on for a while. Snow's covered the tracks." Skimple delighted, turned, and bounded off the train. He could now see his wife Slepnir, a beautiful calico cat with blazing orange eyes. He made his way down past the square, past the butcher's, and baker's to a small farm house where he knew she would be waking up in the barn on a bed of fleece and flannel. He walked in and called out to the darkness,

"Sunrise?" She was up in an instant. Her husband was finally home. She cried out,

"Skimple, my darling!" in her smooth Scottish accent.

There was much rejoicing until the noon day sun was high in the sky. The whistle blew. Skimple sadly turned back to the train, hopped on, and was gone.

Two months passed and Slepnir decided that she would have to start off for London. The Jellicle Ball was only a couple days away. The Midnight Mail had just rolled into the station at Gumberly. She hopped on the luggage van, and went to find Skimple. He was asleep on a mail bag so, she went and curled up beside him. As she lay there something moved inside her. Their kittens were to be born very soon. Skimple was partially awakened by her and placed his paw around her bulging belly and understood.

The train pulled into the London station on a late Sunday afternoon. There would be no mail delivered that night, so they headed towards the junkyard. Tonight was the Jellicle Ball. As they approached the entrance, they were met by Bombalurina, Demeter, and Mistoffelees. They inquired of this strange cat and Skimple responded,

"This is my wife, Slepnir." Surprised, they raced ahead and the news of Slepnir caught on like wildfire. She certainly was beautiful, no one could question that, but her name meant 'the glider'. What did Skimple find so appealing that he would love her so tenderly. That question was answered the moment she walked in, she glided. She was so dignified, such a lady, and so perfect and yet, so imperfect. Quite beyond any explanation of cat or otherwise. She settled herself and every cat among them fell in love with her. Moments after their arrival, she cringed and whispered,

"It's time." Skimple saw the first kitten come and passed out. There in the junkyard, she gave birth to their first litter of kittens. Of 5 that were born, 4 were dead. Only the smallest survived. This one had a solid firy red coat. When Skimple came to, he saw the smallest cleaned and dried off, and the 4 dead and understood. When he was born, most of the litter was born dead. It was a fact of life no one could change. He was thankful that at least one had survived. The kitten rolled over, opened her mouth and gave out a cry. Slepnir sighed. Motherhood suited her. The new family curled up together and the Ball commenced.

5 days had passed and the little kitten opened her eyes. Beautiful and blue. She wandered away and was called by her mother to which she replied "Ghaidhlig?" which means Gaelic. She was then named Gaelic so others would understand what she was saying.

Time passed and she grew old enough for her to travel. One evening, Slepnir took Gaelic to the train station and they boarded the luggage van with Skimple. The trained pulled out and they were off to Gumberly and home.

* * *

Almost a year had passed since the last Jellicle Ball and Gaelic knew that she would have to head back to London, to the junkyard, to where she was born. It would be her turn for the Ceremony of Rights and she would become an adult. This meant a great deal to her. It meant that she would officially be able to take care of herself. Her mother had died the night they returned to home and she left Gumberly, the train station, the Midnight Mail, and her father. She had grown wild and became a skilled fighter. She knew the train was far away so she would have to make it to London on foot. This posed a slight problem, she was very weak. She was recovering form an injury that spanned the entire length of her body. Also, there was something in London that kept her away. She ran south and soon came to Hadrian's Wall. She quickly clambered over and ran for days until she came to York. In York she found a train station. A few rats were making plans to stow away on a train bound for London so she followed them from a distance and hopped onto the a box car. She settled in for the long trip. It had taken her 2 weeks to get her there. She was running out of time. The voyage was uneventful and the time passed quickly. After 2 nights of travel, she arrived in London.

Dazed and confused from the mass of people, she quickly became lost at the station. After about an hour, everything settled down. Gaelic gathered her head and left. On the front steps of the station, she saw that it was going to be impossible to find such a small junkyard. London was HUGE! She was beginning to loose heart. The streets were unfamiliar. She was only a few weeks old when she travelled them last, even then she was being carried. She decided to go down the main street. It must lead somewhere important for everyone was travelling it. The sun was setting and she was beginning to feel that she was never going to make it when she caught sight of a brown bi-coloured tom rummaging through a trash can. She shyly walked up to him and asked,

"Excuse me sir, but may I please ask you a question?" Her accent was rough and ridged. The tom turned around in surprise and with something in his mouth said,

"Go 'head."

"Please sir, if you would be ever so kind as to direct me to the junkyard where the Jellicle cats meet for the Jellicle Ball I would be ever so thankful." She said slowly so he would understand.

"Jellicle cats, eh? You're not from around here now are ya? Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Tumblebrutus and I myself am a Jellicle cat. I'll take ya, but there's still many more nights before the Ball."

"Please sir, I must hurry. I must find my father and bring him news."

"Fine, lets go. By the way who is your father?" "His name is Skimpleshanks." "You wouldn't happen to be liddle Gaelic now would ya?" "Yes that's right. Why do you ask?" "Huh, you're in for a shock." "A shock? What do you mean?" "Stop asking questions, we're here. Gotta run." In a flash he was gone.

The junkyard stirred memories that she thought she had forgotten. Memories of her mother and father. She began to weep. Oh, how she missed them. She gathered herself and walked in. In the center was a clearing with an old broken down car, oven, and a lot of empty boxes. She was completely alone and decided to lay down and go to sleep. She hurt so much inside that a few hours away from reality would do her good.

When she awoke, it was late in the afternoon. There was movement in the yard. Awake and alert, she hid in a hold that almost fit her perfectly. The movement turned out to be a black and white tom. He was slightly larger than she. Gaelic made a horrible mistake hiding in the hole for it was the tom's lodging and he spotted the intruder instantly. He sounded the warning. Cats came from everywhere. She knew she was no longer safe in her hole so she decided to run, but they would not let her escape. She got low to the ground and started to hiss and spit. The black and white cat began to laugh. This kitten obviously posed no substantial threat. She was going to have to learn her place. He accepted her challenge and the fight commenced. Just before the first strike, someone yelled,

"ENOUGH!" A grey tabby appeared and broke up the fight. "Alonzo! You should know better then to pick on a kitten."

"But she challenged me! Besides she needs to know her place." He snarled and glared at her then left.

"Enough! Not another word. Bring the kitten to me Pouncival." Pouncival walked up to the kitten and tried to grab her, but received her razor sharp claws down his foreleg instead. Alonzo turned back and smirked

"Told you so." Munkustrap, the grey tabby, bent low and slowly approached her. She also bent low realizing the threat. She began to advance taking two steps forward and one step back occasionally darting her eyes looking around. Munk, as she hopped, began to back up. She backed him up into a corner which above it was a stack of loosely piled garbage. She jumped up and it all came down on him, knocking him out and burying him. All the other cats, including Alonzo, stood there in shock. She had just defeated their leader. At the top a chair, the memories inside her began to stir again. Tumble, Tumble, Tumble was Bumble Bee. Over there was Balleterina, Mr. Fleas, Meter and Syrup. They were her friend and yet she did not recognize them. Alonzo was her second father. Just then her real father arrived on the scene. He saw the mess and inquired of the cats what had just happened. All they could do was point at Gaelic. Skimple's eyes grew dark and he roared,

"GAELIC! Come down from there this instant!!" She slowly came down, but did not approach him. She was filled with fear. He yelled again and she dared not disobey. She came within a few feet of him and stopped. She dared not come any closer and hung her head. He slapped her and roared,

"No kitten of mine ever runs away or ever causes such a disturbance that she disobeys our leader. Go away! I never want to see your cowardly face again!" She looked up at him in wonder.

"What? Run away? Leader? Coward? I've never run away from anything. You don't know me or what hell I've been through!"

"What about your mother, your town, and ME? Get out of my sight! You're no Jellicle and you'll never become one! GO!!" He turned his head and left. Gaelic was in shock. This new pain crippled her. Her soul was being torn in two. She ran to the pile where Munkustrap was buried and started to dig him out. The other cats could not believe what had just taken place. Skimple just yelled at his daughter. Gaelic had a voice which was that of a Scottish fighting stray, rough and ridged. The contrast of accents was phenomenal. What had happened over the course of the year? What bitterness had poisoned their perfect relationship. What exactly just happened? Gaelic finished digging out Munk, checked his head and began to weep silent tears. She had become a master at hiding her true feelings. Munk awoke and frightened, she darted out of the yard. She grew tired of living, hated where ever she went with no true place to call home. If only her mother hadn't died that August night. Slepnir was the only one whom Gaelic thought loved her unconditionally. She was a mess. Her spirit was broken. All she wanted to do was die. At least there no one could hurt her, abuse her, or neglect her. Something else from her past haunter her.

* * *

Alonzo helped Munk up. "Who was that?" asked Munk. "Do you remember Slepnir, Skimple's wife?" "How could I forget." "Well that little one was Gaelic." "WHAT?!" "She ran away from home, became a stray and has found her way back here. Anyway, how's your head?" "Fine, fine. Tell me more about Gaelic." "We don't know too much more. Only that she ran away from home, became a stray, and that Skimple is furious."

"We must find her. You Pouncival, and Mungo go find Skimple and try to persuade him to come back here. I'll take Demeter and Misto to find her. Everyone else go home." Alonzo's search party departed in the direction of the train station, while Munk's party went the way of her aura led by Misto.

Misto detected her aura to be fading. He turned around and whispered to Munk,

"She's fading fast. Her soul is tearing apart. She's just around the corner." He gave out a cry, "She's dying!"

Quickly Munk jumped out, and the other two followed. He found her huddled in a confused mass of firy red fur. Horrified, he stared down at her. She looked at him with eyes that had seen the world's miseries. Eyes that had hope dragged from her soul. Green eyes, torturing green eyes, her father's green eyes. He looked down at her and said,

"Little one, come out from there, please." She saw the compassion and a whole other world in his eyes and reached up. He met her halfway and pulled her out of her slump. He wiped the tears from her eyes and asked her to come back with him. She didn't have much energy or fight left in her, but she turned her head. There was something very wrong with her. Something much more than her family. Something in her past, haunted her present. She smelt vaguely of a stray, her coat was partially well kept, but Munk sensed Macavity ran strong through her blood like a fatal poison. He asked her to sit down to which she agreed. He pulled her head up until her eyes met his and asked her,

"What happened with Macavity? She took a deep breath, and replied, "The night my mother was killed she sensed something very, very wrong just like earlier that day on the train. Something moved and she told me to run, she'd be close behind. I turned to see if she was there. I saw her take an awful hard blow to her throat. I watched her gasp for air and she began to say 'Find your father. Tell him that my last thoughts were of him. He'll take good care of you Gaelic.' With that her blazing orange eyes glazed over and she fell to the barn floor with a soft thump. She was dead. I tried to run but everything went black and ..." She stopped. Her tears held back her words. Demeter looked up a Munk and gave him a look as if to say 'Why this one?' Misto also had tears in his eyes. All the pain in this poor thing's soul. He could never hate her. Her aura was the purest he ever sensed. She was a Jellicle and not one of Macavity's henchmen, though at one point she most certainly was. Munk shook his head. If he had only known. He would have rescued her like he did all Jellicle kittens stolen by Macavity. He bent down, put his forelegs around her, held her and sighed. She accepted his strength and wept on his shoulder. He turned his head up to the sky, placed his chin between her ears, and with his eyes asked 'Why?' The stars gave him no response and he buried his head in her flaming fur and began to purr. He was trying to comfort her, bring her back, and ease some of the pain. He could feel the hate, rage, anger, fear, oh the fear, and emptiness inside her. He looked down at her. She had fallen asleep. Munk picked her up and took her to the tire on which he slept. All this time, Misto and Demeter watched in amazement the love and compassion of Munk's actions. There were so many cats in the junkyard, and yet he always had room in his heart for one more. Deuteronomy had made the right choice by making Munk their leader. They followed silently behind Munk and stood there as he placed Gaelic on the softest and smoothest part of the tire. He turned around and sent them to find food, water, and something to keep her warm. After they had left, he turned the sleeping cat, sighed and said,

"Gaelic, Gaelic, Gaelic, Gaelic. What am I going to do with you? Jelly and Jenny won't take you in because you're to rough. Alonzo doesn't trust you, Skimple's furious at you, Mungo and Rumple's family don't need another cat, and most of us live here. Maybe Bomb and Dem, or maybe Misto? If worst comes to the worst you can hide in my mistress' basement for a while. Hmph, lets wait until tomorrow. It's a whole other day." He sighed again, jumped up on the tire, and curled up beside her and soon was asleep. The morning would come all too soon.

* * *

Mungo was troubled by this new cat. He had seen her before, but he couldn't figure out where. Alonzo recognized his friend's distress and asked,

"What's up?" Mungo replied, "I've seen her before, apart from last years Ball, but I just can't for the life of me figure out where. She's not just a pretty face in the crowd. Her colouring for her coat and eyes ain't forgotten quick." Pouncival, who had remained silent since he was wounded earlier that evening, replied,

"Oh that's easy. She's one of Macavity's henchmen. Well, at least she used to be." Alonzo and Mungo stared at him. Why hadn't they seen it before? It was evident in the way she fought, the neatness of her coat and in her eyes. She had been a prisoner. Alonzo felt a sudden curtain of guilt fall over him. He was the one who taught her how to fight. This was the kitten whom he took under his wing to help Skimple and Slepnir rear. His thoughts were transported back to her fourth week of life.

That day he took her around the junkyard again, a little further this time, and taught her the next lesson on how to hunt, fight and find suitable lodging in a fix. After the day's lesson always came play. She bit his tail and the chase was on. Gaelic became faster and faster as the days went by. Her ability to find perfect hiding places made Alonzo swell with pride. That particular day she found the absolute perfect hiding place in a pile of wet boxes. Her colouring hid her perfectly and the scent from the boxes masked hers. Alonzo had lost her. Gaelic slowly, and slyly stalked out from the boxes and, giggled and ran off to the center of the junkyard. Alonzo picked up her scent and the chase was back on. Just as she reached the center Alonzo pounced, pinned her and asked,

"Had enough?" She squirmed, broke the pin and yelled, "NEVER!" She pounced and pinned him. "Had enough Moo?" He looked up at her sighed and replied, "You've got me. Just please be gentle, I bruise easily."

She gloated over her prize. With her head up and tail perpendicular, she walked over to her mother, who couldn't keep herself from laughing. Alonzo, back on his feet, asked her

"Exactly where did you hear that my name was moo?" She turned and said very matter-a-factly,

"From Bumble Bee." Oh wait until Tumblebrutus heard this new insult. It would drive him up the wall. Just as he completed this thought, someone behind him hissed

"Hey Moo, now tell me exactly how much pride do you have left. A drop? Maybe two, but that's pushing it." He turned around and found Tumble glaring down at him from a lofty position. Alonzo was furious. No one insulted him or his daughter. Gaelic sprang into action. Off she went somewhere away from the clearing. Alonzo and Tumble went into an all out shouting match. The other cats came to see what this disturbance was all about. Tumble hopped down and the battle commenced. They took a couple of swings at each other. One well placed swing sent Alonzo flying. Just then Gaelic appeared from behind Tumble. Her eyes darkened with rage. She pounced and pinned Tumble, who looked up at her in surprise. Gaelic gave a few well placed strikes and roared,

"Enough is enough! Go away!" She'd given quite a vicious beating to Tumble, taking into account her size and age. Tumble slinked away with his tail between his legs. Alonzo looked at Gaelic with surprise. She had just taken out one of the strongest and most powerful toms in the city. Just then Munk walked in on the scene and inquired what was wrong with Tumble. Alonzo replied,

"He insulted me, and Gaelic help take him out." Munk roared,

"You let a kitten, no, an infant, fight a full grown tom? How STUPID are you?" Gaelic stepped between the two fighting toms.

"It was MY choice. Don't place blame where blame shouldn't be placed. I am quite capable of a fight." She spoke with such wisdom and defiance that Munk had to step back and re-examen this little kitten. She was going to make a fine leader, but first she needed to be taught discipline and respect.

Alonzo laughed at the memory. She hadn't changed much except she had gained more wisdom, strength, discipline, and beauty. Those eyes and that coat amazed even Tugger. She defeated Munk the most powerful of all the Jellicle toms with grace and intelligence. He felt a vague sense of guilt, but a tremendous sense of pride. She must have escaped from Macavity by herself for he wouldn't let her go without a fight.

Alonzo, Mungo and Pouncival had just reached the station. It was 11:42pm. They had just missed the night mail and Skimple. They would have to catch him when he came home in a couple of days. They started back to the junkyard. En route, they met a familiar tom, Tumble. Alonzo shouted for the brown bi,

"Come on Bumble Bee! Quit ruffelling through the garbage. There's someone new in the junkyard." Tumble replied through clenched teeth,

"Tumble. Tumble. That's T-U-M-B-L-E, you holstein! Anyway, I already know about Gaelic. Who'da think took her to the yard, a Pollicle?"

"Were you there when she took out Munk?" "She WHAT?!" "Come on with us Bumble. We're heading back to the yard." "Count me in." He dropped what he had been eating and ran after them. They arrived home and found Demeter hunting and Misto looking for something to put water in. Misto turned to the 4 toms and said,

"She's with Munk now and she will probably stay with him until morning. She's in a bad way. It'll be a miracle if she survives tomorrow night."

"WHAT?" screamed Alonzo. Misto replied calmly,

"To many blows." That set Alonzo running to find his daughter. He arrived to see Munk curled up with the shivering kitten. He hoped up and curled up with her on the side Munk didn't occupy. Moments later she stopped shivering. This woke the half sleeping tabby. Alonzo saw the petrified look on his friend's face and whispered,

"She's warming up now." Munk let out a sigh of relief and asked,

"Any luck with Skimple?" "We were too late. He's on his way to Gumberly now." "What are we going to do with her?" "You're asking me?" replied Alonzo "You never ask my opinion." "Well I'm running low on ideas!" growled Munk. "Maybe she hit you too hard" laughed Alonzo. "'Lonz!" "Well, we're just going to have to take her back with us now aren't we." "You mean to the house?" "Yeah, why not? She's just frightened and a little weak that's all. Besides she needs some human intervention before she goes completely wild." Munk was surprised at what Alonzo just said. Was this the same cat who earlier that day tried to fight her? A memory slowly crept into his thoughts, like a mist rolling down a hill. This was the kitten who defended Alonzo when he allowed her to fight Tumble. How she had grown and matured. One day she would make a fine leader if only he could get her to eat something.

"Hey 'Lonz. Help me get her up. She needs food more than sleep. After she's gotten something into her she can sleep, but not before." Alonzo nodded his approval. He nudged her and she yawned. Munk nudged her a little harder and she woke up. The first face she saw was Alonzo's smiling down at her. At last he recognized her. She looked at Munk and stretched.

"What's all this about?" she asked quickly. "'Scuse me?" "Oh sorry. What is all this about?" she repeated very slowly. Munk laughed. "You need to eat." She stretched again and said pleasantly, "Oh, alright." She was off. Alonzo caught her by her tail and said, "Whoa there Gaelic. You're in no shape to hunt. Demeter is going to bring you something to eat." "Let go of my tail zebra!" she hissed. "I just missed my chance at a big fat mouse." Just then the mouse crept by. Alonzo, baffled, shook his head and replied, "You need to be taught some manners young lady. You're not with Macavity anymore." He knew. She slinked back and replied, "Please forgive me father." Inside her was a battle being fought. A battle between Macavity's influence and the Jellicle influence. Every so often Macavity would make a break and her rage would flare, but the Jellicles quickly made him retreat and she would calm back down. She was not going to let Macavity win. She was home now. Home to her friends and family and to her enemies. Sooner or later, she would have to face him again. She must regain her strength and courage. For now she must eat, sleep and learn.

Miracles do happen everyday and Gaelic did not die, but began to flower and come into her own. Munk took her to meet Deuteronomy a couple days after her arrival. En route back to the yard, she pounced on him and raced him home. She raced into the yard and just as she thought she had won, Munk came from nowhere and pinned her. She threw him and the game began. Tackling, teasing, pushing, shoving, climbing and running throughout the yard. All actions expected of two very young kittens, but played by two very mature adults. She pinned him and with wild eyes asked,

"Had enough?" All Munk could do was throw his head back and laugh. He hadn't had this much fun since he was a kitten. Tugger waltzed in and began to laugh. Munk was never in that position with a queen before. They looked up at him and noticed a great deal of cats and kittens alike were staring at them not knowing what to make of the situation. Munk's face went beat red. He tried to get up but Gaelic was firm in her pin. She smiled down at him and began to groom the fear from his face. Munk began to realize what he had been missing: a friend who loved him for him and not for his protection. Gaelic let him up. She was growing quite fond of her new friend. Alonzo approached the blushing cat,

"Nice moves, uh, I mean fore..." This made Munk turn redder than both Gaelic's and Bomb's coats put together. "Um, well, um" "Lighten up Munk. I approve. She's your equal. Anyway that's not what I came here to see you for. Isn't about time we introduced Gaelic to the mistress?" All Munk could do was nod. Alonzo called Gaelic and the three were off for Munk's and Alonzo's home, Alonzo in the middle.

"Where are we going Alonzo?" inquired Gaelic. "It's high time you met man." Gaelic stopped and stared at him. "What?! They are nothing but control, control, control freaks! They'll bite you soon as look at you. Smacking, hitting, bitting all cats. They smother, yell and scream. They put a cuff around your neck and make you their prisoner for life!" She looked at Munk and Alonzo. They had cuffs around their necks. "You're their prisoners too?" Munk laughed. His face was still a pale shade of red.

"Gaelic, Gaelic. Calm down darling. What has Macavity been telling you? Humans are gentle creatures. These collars are just so they can find us if we're ever lost. They pet us, feed us, shelter us, play with us, and above all they give us LOVE. It is true that some humans can be cruel, but we would never put you in a situation as that. Our human is a kind and understanding creature. She'll probably take you in if you let her. Come on it's time for dinner and I'm hungry." Alonzo smiled 'darling?' They arrived at the house and Munk darted through the cat door. Alonzo was right behind him. Gaelic though was a little apprehensive. Something frightened her. Alonzo, with a mouth full of kibble, stuck his head out the door and asked,

"Cummun in er nod?" Gaelic laughed and sighed. Good ol' Alonzo. He was always picking her up when she was feeling low. She stepped through the door and followed Alonzo to dinner. She sniffed the pellets and looked over at Munk. His face was buried in his dinner and wasn't coming up for air any time soon. She laughed,

"Just a little hungry?" Alonzo looked over and rolled over in a fit of hysterics. Munk looked up sheepishly and was about to say something in his defence when their mistress walked in.

"Oh, another cat? You two must think I'm crazy. Well, certainly is a pretty one. Lovely coat, and those eyes." She walked over to Gaelic who retreated behind the toms. They parted and revealed Gaelic. The lady picked up Gaelic, checked behind her tail, and held her close. Maybe it was the soft clothes she wore, maybe it was her appearance, maybe it was the love and trust in her voice, or maybe it was her scent that attracted Gaelic. Whatever it was Gaelic snuggled up to the lady and began to purr, something she hadn't done for a very long time. The woman smiled at this reaction and said to the toms, "Well should we keep her?" The toms rubbed against her legs and purred their approval. "Well then we'll have to give you a name, then won't we. I've never kept a queen before, well apart from those who visit." She placed Gaelic back on the floor and watched her intently. Munk rubbed up against her, she took a couple of swats at his long bushy tail, and the game for Munk's tail had begun. Even Alonzo joined in. The woman laughed. This one had a tremendous amount of energy. She would call her something that had to do with energy. Those eyes, glass green and that coat, fire. Her family originally came from Ireland and she had always tried to keep some of the Celtic traditions alive. The little one looked like one of those troublesome spirits. 'Oh what were they called?' She couldn't remember, but spirit would make a fine name for this little one. The lady broke up the game and said, "Hmmm, yes you do look full of spirit. Spirit it is then." She wriggled Munk's tail and the game re-commenced. She watched for a little while longer and then left the room. Munk swatted Alonzo and pulled his tail close to his body. This annoyed Gaelic. She was having so much fun, so she jumped on him and chewed his ear.

"Hey! Gearoff Gaelic. Come on it's time for rest. Tomorrow's a big night." "Why?" "It's time for this year's Ball and your night to become an adult." "Adult?! What comes with that?" "Besides respect? The ability to travel the city alone, oh, and a mate." He spoke the last part quickly with his head turned away from her. 'Who would she end up with?' He hoped not with anyone who couldn't keep her completely happy. Who would it be? He walked into the sitting room and curled up with Gaelic by the fireplace. Alonzo was watching the sunset keenly from the window seat.

About an hour had passed and Alonzo sadly looked down at the confusion of fur. Munk was going to miss his chance with her. 'He's just too shy around queens.' He decided to visit old Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy knew Munk better than anyone. When he arrived, Deuteronomy was beginning to settle down for the night. He looked up at Alonzo with surprise. The night before the Ball and he was wandering the streets of London. Munk must surely be asleep. It must be something very important to disobey him. Alonzo bowed before Deutronomy and asked,

"Please sir, forgive the hour, but I need your help." "Go ahead Alonzo." "Do you remember Gaelic?" Deuteronomy nodded and Alonzo continued. "Well Munk has fallen for her, but he isn't bold enough to make a move. I fear that Munkustrap will loose her forever tomorrow night at her Ceremony of Rights. He'd be devastated. We need to do something. No one so perfect has ever existed before or ever will again. It's very unusual to see the same cat in two very different bodies. The safety of the whole tribe is at risk." Deuteronomy smiled slyly,

"We'll so everything we can. Alert Bombalurina. Have her spread the message." Alonzo nodded, said goodnight and was off to Bomb's and Demeter's home. When he approached it there were no lights on. 'Oh great. This is going to be fun' he thought to himself. He located the cat door and went inside to the kitchen. He softly called out her name and she awoke in the sitting room.

"Alonzo?! Do you have any idea what time it is?" She came into the room and said, "This had better be important."

"It is. I've just come from Deuteronomy's and he wishes you to spread that we need to get Munk to dance with Gaelic at her Ceremony of Rights. "

"Oh, they'd make the cutest couple. You got it. Goodnight Alonzo. Safe journey home." She kissed his cheek and went back to bed. Alonzo left for home. On his way he began to wonder how this plan was going to work out. He would have to wait until tomorrow night. He arrived home around midnight and settled himself down on the window seat.

The day passed uneventful. Early in the morning, Gaelic was fitted for a collar and received her very own dinner bowl. Her family name, 'Spirit' was written in firy letters. Her new mistress was an artist and had stayed up half the night just so as Gaelic could have her breakfast in it the next morning. Later in the afternoon, her collar arrived. Someone had worked exceptionally hard. It was beautiful. The collar was forest green with a Celtic knot design encircling it. The woman pick up Gaelic and wrapped it around her neck. On it was a golden tag reading 'Spirit' and the woman's address. She placed a mirror in front of Gaelic. The green of her eyes, the red of her coat stood out and the collar shone brightly. It was like a cool green forest against a bright setting summer sky. Gaelic looked down at the toms. They were beaming. She began to purr. Finally, she was home. The sun slowly set in the July sky. Too slow for Alonzo. There wouldn't be enough time to catch up with Cassandra, his mate. At last Munk allowed them to leave. Gaelic trotted along side Munk hoping for some input. 'What's going to happen' was the annoying question. Munk didn't respond. This aggravated her even more. At last, after what seemed an eternity, they arrived at the yard.

"What's going to HAPPEN?" They had gotten used to and understood her accent.

"Calm down Sunset. It's alright. Just let your spirit guide you. You are a Jellicle born and bred. In your heart you already know what will come and how to react to it." With this, the Ball commenced. Munk was the first one out, then Demeter, then her father, a cat she didn't recognize and then Alonzo. Something inside her drove her forward and a strange voice inside her sang as pure and as sweet as a nightingale. She was no longer the ridged Scottish stray, but a smooth, sweet, London born, Jellicle queen. That did it. She let herself go and began to dance in perfect time with the other cats. After much singing and dancing, a crack of thunder sounded and a police siren screamed which sent the majority of cats into hiding. Only Alonzo, Munk and herself remained, the guardians of the tribe. She searched the yard looking for something that she sensed was terribly wrong. The toms joined her. The danger quickly passed, and they called the tribe back out to dance. Something in her made her heart lift.

"Deuteronomy!" she cried. Mistoffelees, Coricopat and Tantomile stared at her. Gaelic had noticed his presence before any of the magical cats. Munk sent Misto to aid Deuteronomy. He came in and was joyfully greeted by every cat. He sat down on his tire throne which signaled the beginning of the Ceremony of Rights. This year there were many kittens in line for the privilege of adulthood. First they danced underneath the Jellicle moon. Gaelic tried their dances but couldn't bring herself to enjoy them. Another thing irritated her, Munk never danced. When a small area cleared, she took the opportunity and went wild. She started off slow, but she quickly picked up speed. The other cats stopped and watched in awe. Every foot fall was perfect. She step danced. It was unusual, fresh, and very ENERGETIC! When she finally stopped every cat was breathing hard. She had so much grace, elegance, dignity, and poise. Add to this her rustic beauty, and sweet, playful nature, she was a living breathing dream. Munk and Alonzo beamed at her. Even Tugger was in awe. Forget Munk, the rest of the toms wished to be chosen as her mate. She had caught her breath and began to dance again. The rest of the cats joined in. As they formed dance lines, Gaelic ended up beside her father. She was going to behave, but as she followed along with the tribe, her foot was placed in front of Skimple's face. He threw it down. She lost her balance and took a couple cats out with her. She glared up at him. This time he had gone too far. It was time to fight. They both bent low and the fight commenced. Skimple was too old for this new cat. She was too quick and missed everyone of his blows. The other cats stopped dancing and gathered around. Deuteronomy shook his head. Gaelic sent Skimple flying. She had shown him much mercy and gave him only a few cuts and bruises. Skimple landed at the feet of Macavity.

"Bravo Gaelic. I knew you wouldn't fail me." He kicked Skimple and gouged his face. This made Gaelic furious. Her ties with her father were very weak, but he was her father, and deserved her protection. She growled,

"If you're going to fight anyone, fight your match! FIGHT ME!!!" A sudden glimmer of fear flickered in Macavity's eyes. Very few noticed it. The fight commenced. Gaelic was everywhere but where Macavity placed his paw. She jumped on his back and gouged his head, neck, and ears. He screamed in pain and tore his claws down the length of her left thigh. She leapt off and gave another blow which sent him flying into the boot of a broken down car. His head hit it and blood began to trickle down into his eyes, thus blinding him. It was no longer a fair fight, so Gaelic backed off. He scurried back to his lair.

Gaelic wiped Macavity's blood from her mouth and went over to Skimple's side. She checked him over and told him to go to a vet's. He would need stitches to close the wounds to his face. She helped him up and Skimple said,

"Forgive me Gaelic. I.- I didn't know. Thank you." She smiled but something in her eyes told Skimple that she was hurt. Gaelic shook her head. She went back to dance. She couldn't let anyone know she badly wounded. She must smile and keep her head high. Only after the Ball would she allow anyone else into her world. They began to dance again, but the cats noticed that Gaelic could no longer keep up. Something was very, very wrong. Alonzo headed over to her to help her sit down and take a breather, but she walked away. She made a feeble attempt to walk on her left leg, and collapsed. Munk rushed over to her side and he and Alonzo began to check her over. She took a deep breath, swallowed her pride and whispered,

"My hind leg." All Munk could feel was her warm, wet blood. He couldn't see too much, but felt that the wound spanned the length of her thigh. He looked up at Alonzo and exclaimed,

"Damn colouring! You can't distinguish between blood or fur. Go get me something to wrap it up with. We have to get her out of here." Alonzo darted out.

"NO! Finish the Ball. I'll be fine. I've survived worse." She showed him the battle scar that she had suffered not more than a couple months earlier. It would have made a Pollicle sick. The old wound spanned diagonally across the entire length of her body. Munk cringed and looked away. He nodded,

"You can stay." Alonzo returned from home. There he had taken a scrap bit of cloth from their mistress' sewing. It would have to do for now. She smiled at Munk and kissed him as he bound her leg. She liked his touch. He smiled while he tied the knot and kissed her brow. He and Alonzo helped her stand and supported her as she walked off to the side. She would be dancing soon whether they liked it or not.

The Ball re-commenced. As soon as she had gotten her strength back, Gaelic's Ceremony of Rights began. The toms lined up, but Munk was not amongst them. She looked over at him and sighed. She didn't trust any other cat enough to dance with her in her present condition. She turned her head and limped away. The other cats sensed the connection between the two. The knots on her collar spoke louder than words. To humans, the knots symbolize the intertwining of two souls. Tonight one was her's and the other one was Munk's. This display caught Deuteronomy's attention. He now fully understood what Alonzo had said the night before. It was time for his intervention. He spoke quietly to Munk.

"You missed your chance for a mate at your own Ceremony. You chose to become the leader, but now there's a young queen who needs you more. Don't miss your chance to love her. There will never be another like her. Believe me, of all the wives I've had, no one compares with your mother. Go to her and love her." Munk looked up at his father in amazement. His own fear was recognized in his father's words. He was afraid to love. Munk had always believed that love wounded the soul to great. How did his father survive once his mother left them? He could never be that strong. He swore that he would never let anything like that happen to him. The silver tabby could never permit himself to love a queen knowing the consequences. But now, standing in front of him was a beautiful, heart broken queen, who loved him unconditionally. She had been there, to the place of lost souls and was drifting around its boarders again. One move the wrong way, and they would loose her forever. Munk began to feel a surge run through him. Without thinking, he walked over to her, turned her around, and like a shy little kitten asked,

"Dance with me?" Munk saw, for the first time, her eyes twinkle like dew on a green valley as it catches the first rays of light creeping through the mountains. What beautiful eyes. Crisp, clear, smiling, green eyes. Hope began to flow back into her soul. A miraculous thing happened; it began to rain, sending all but those two running for cover. 'Let it rain' she thought. Her past began to wash away and the night became another memory flowing into the sea of life. They embraced each other and she whispered,

"Thank you." The love she found within the tribe filled the emptiness, dimmed the fear, cooled the rage and abolished the hate. I looked to the sky and thanked the stars. The rain felt good streaming down my face. It was renewal, rebirth, a new life. Another chapter came to a close and a new one was just about to begin. The other cats sensed this and came out to join us. That night there was no assent to the Heavyside Lair; every cat was reborn. A new day was dawning. The rose had faded and the sunflower was turning its face to the dawn. The knot was complete.

Samantha Crossley

