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Great Links To Great Pages

Great Links

My Dori's Page A very nice page by my girlfriend... some pics of me and her on there

GA Shakespeare Festival My uncle Richard is the co-founder and producing artistic director

Seattle Mariners Home site of the greatest baseball team ever. Mariners in 2000 baby!

Arizona Diamondbacks Home site of the newest team to have the honor of having Randy Johnson on their pitching staff.

Monty Python Homepage If you love Monty python like I do, visit their official site

PriceWatch The greatest site for finding the best deals on computer parts and accessories

Parkview HS page My high school's web site... links to the drama page

Playbill Online News, reviews, and club benefits for Theatre related events... especially Broadway

Theatre.Com Another great place for all things theatre... great club benefits in Circle Club

Sheldon The greatest band to ever come out of South Carolina. They play a lot around the Savannah area. My favorite next to Metallica.

GA Renaissance Festival A really cool place in Atlanta. Like Dori says... Six Flags over Medieval England. We both work there.
