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Microwave and Satellite Transmission in the Field of Wireless Communication


Tools to measure the environment have been with us for centuries; and throughout history, people have sought to understand their world, to see and hear beyond the range of their eyes and ears, and to touch the universe beyond their grasp. This leads people to search and discover new technologies. The rapid evolution of technology is leading to the creation of a seamless web of surveillance over much of the world. But only recently have technologies been developed to study the environment on a global scale. Traditional sensors such as thermometers, anemometers, and rain gauges do not provide a synoptic view of geophysical processes over large areas of the earth. Today, such views are obtained through electronic sensors mounted on aircraft, spacecraft, and satellites. These devices remotely sense geophysical processes by monitoring the reflection or emission of electromagnetic energy from natural media.


Wireless communication is not new. The existence of electromagnetic waves that travel at the speed of light was predicted by James Clerk Maxwell in 1864, and Heinrich Hertz proved Maxwell's theory with his experiments in the mid-1880s. The unit for measuring frequency hertz (Hz) is named after Heinrich Hertz. This discovery was the giant step in the communication world. In 1875, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Gugliclmo Marconi became the first person to send radio signals through the air in 1895 with a telegraphic device that coded information into a series of marks and spaces. The first applications of the wireless were for ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communications. The passengers of the S.S. Republic were the first to be saved by a rescue using radio in 1909. Woodrow Wilson became the first U.S. President to make a radio broadcast. From 1920s to 1950s radio broadcasts, the one of the wireless communication means, were the dominant means of disseminating news and entertainment. In 1941, the 4-F, the world's first mobile telephone, is invented for World War II and in 1942 Gross developed the "Joan/Eleanor," a small wireless unit which was used during World War II for communications between ground and airborne troops. In 1947/1948 Gross developed the first personal radio. 1950 The pager is invented in 1950.


With the exponential growth in the use of wireless communications, the number of wireless services and subscribers has greatly expanded. This made our world smaller. Systems for mobile analog and digital cellular telephony have become commonplace. Next generation systems will provide enhanced communication services, such as data, electronic mail, and high-resolution digital video or even full multimedia communication. Every wireless system has to combat transmission and propagation effects that are nonexistent on a wired system. The role of radio has changed. Instead of being interested in covering large distances by radio, we emphasize the flexibility and comfort of (short-range) wireless access to the telecommunications infrastructure. The Internet was started by the United States Department of Defense (DOD) and was for defense. Now it became one of the most powerful tools in the field of education, business, and so many other fields. We cannot even think the communication without the Internet. The use of e-mail was unanticipated even by its designers. The Global Positioning System (GPS), too, was developed by the United States Department of Defense, for its tremendous application as a military locating utility by investing billions and billion of dollars. However, over the past several years, GPS has proven to be a useful tool in non-military mapping applications as well.

These new wireless technologies—satellite, radio, and supper wireless—offer more options. All these digital technologies provide comparable bandwidth, are competitively priced, and install faster than many existing wired solutions.

The success of modern remote sensing systems has encouraged the creation of more sophisticated sensors, which will soon gather an even wider range of information about the geophysics of our planet.

Our atmospheric remote sensing effort has grown rapidly in recent years as a result of our ability to create a new generation of millimeter-wave radar. Shorter wavelength laser radar (lidars), on the other hand, is often inadequate because electromagnetic energy at infrared and optical wavelengths cannot penetrate significantly into clouds. So we need millimeter-wave radiometers that can also measure atmospheric radiation. This could be the precursor of future satellite-mounted system making cloud measurements from space. Dual-channel radiometers operating near 20 and 30 GHz can measure total atmospheric water vapor and liquid from both ground-based and satellite-based sensors.

Microwave radar and radiometers are both used to remotely sense surface winds over the ocean. Measurements of these winds from a high altitudes is possible because surface roughness and foaming cause changes in microwave "signature" as a function of wind speed.

Microwave Transmission

Apart from being used in other fields, microwave-wave frequencies are used in microwave and satellite transmissions. These transmissions consist of even very high frequency radio signals (3 GHz to 30 GHz) that are sent through air and space. Satellites used for spying can be even anywhere between 200 MHz and 325 GHz, mostly spread spectrum.

The radio frequency spectrum starts at around 10 kHz and ranges up to 300 GHz. In mobile radio communications we use the ranges of frequencies in the medium frequency (MF), high frequency (HF), and very high frequency (VHF) range.

Unlike broadcast radio signals, which are omnidirectional, microwave transmission is focused and unidirectional. Microwave transmission was developed from the same principles that guided the development of radio systems. Although these transmission media do not need cable, the transmission devices needed to utilize the medium are quite expensive.

There are two types of microwave transmissions:

1.     Terrestrial transmissions and

2.     Satellite transmissions.

Terrestrial microwave

The communication takes place from the ground to the ground through the electromagnetic waves within the earth atmosphere.Antennae.gif (9604 bytes)

Operational Requirements:

Microwave generally has three requirements:

1.   A line of sight path

2.        High transmission towers

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3.        Antennae

The line of sight is an undisturbed straight line between the transmitter and receiver. It compensates for the Earth's curvature. The distance between the two stations (towers) may be up to 30 miles (50 Km). To achieve longer transmission distances, microwave stations are placed in series. They should not be obstructed because microwaves must travel in unobstructed straight lines. Signals are received by one station, amplified, and then passed to the next relay station along the route. Most of the microwave equipment operates at the frequency of 18 GHz to 23 GHz.

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The first microwave transmission occurred in 1933 across the English Channel, a distance of 12 miles (20 Km.). In 1947, the first commercial microwave network in the US was established between New York and Boston carrying television signals and multiplexed voice conversations. The use of microwave is expanding supporting more applications, including LAN bridging. It is one of the most agile and adaptable media available to handle data, voice and video for PCS, disaster recovery, local access bypass, and cellular telephone.


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Satellite Transmission

A communications satellite is basically a microwave station placed in outer space. Satellites do not "bounce” the microwave signal. The advantage of satellite communication is that it can transmit data quickly over a long distance. Satellite communication services include up-link and down-link. Earth stations are always used with a satellite to send or receive data; the satellite serves as a relay station that receives signals from one station so called up-link and broadcasts it to the next station on earth called down-link at a different frequency. These two different frequencies are used so the data being transmitted from the earth station to the satellite does not interfere with the data going from the satellite to the earth station. Problems such as earth’s curvature, mountains, and other structures that block the line of sight of microwave transmissions make satellites an attractive alternative. The part of the satellite that actually transmits the signal is called transponder. When a transmission from earth is received by the transponder, the signal is amplified to improve its quality, and the frequency is changed. The data is then transmitted to earth by the transponder in a different frequency. The time taken by the satellite in converting the received signal to a sending signal and the time taken to travel from earth to a satellite and back to the earth is called propagation delay.Satellite.jpg (5498 bytes) Following data shows the propagation delay.

Terminal to satellite 22,300 miles

Satellite to computer 22,300 miles

Computer to satellite 22,300 miles

Satellite to terminal 22,300 milesSatelliteTxt.jpg (2537 bytes)

Total Distance 89,200 miles

Travel Time = 89,200 miles / 186,000 miles/second

= 0.048 Seconds

Frequency Bands

The C and Ku are the most popular frequency bands for satellite communications. The C-band up-link frequency range is 5.9 GHz to 6.4 GHz and the GHz down-link range is 3.7 GHz to 4.2 GHz. The Ku-band up-link frequency range is 14 GHz to14.5 GHz, with a 11.7 GHz to 12.2 GHz down-link range.

The Ku-band offers the advantages of higher power, minimal terrestrial interference from microwaves, flexibility, and the use of smaller, less expensive earth stations. The Ku-band is employed exclusively for communications between satellites and stationary earth stations, so densely populated metropolitan areas, with their significant RFI, are more suited to Ku-band systems. Ka is the newest band to be opened for satellite communications. Most recently, the Ka-band spectrum has been opened up to U.S. satellite communications, which receives at 30 GHz and sends at 20 GHz.

The earlier Satellites

Echo 1 and Echo 2, launched in the early 1960s, were the beginning satellites used for communication. Since they could not amplify the signals they simply reflected them, their reception was poor, and the range of transmission was limited. Telstar 1, launched in 1962, was the first satellite to relay live television signals across the Atlantic.

Communication between two ground stations was only possible when both had visibility with the satellite at the same time. So continuous communication was not possible through Echoes and Telstar, as these satellites were only few hundreds miles above the earth’s surface, and ground stations had to track them across the sky.

Geo Satellites

This problem was overcome with geo-stationary or geo-synchronous satellites. These satellites are positioned 22,300 miles (35,000 Km.) above the earth's surface and moved at a velocity of 6870-mph (3.07 Km/sec) around the earth (with the same angular velocity), never disappearing from view. They could be used for continuous communication. (Note: Earth's radius is 6,378.14 Km and 1 Mile = 1.6093 km)

Again Leo Satellites and other satellites

AskyB and EchoStar—will launch geosynchronous Earth-Orbit (GEO) satellites. Although geosynchronous orbiting satellites are the most widely used types of satellite, newer types area gaining popularity. One of such type is the Low Earth Orbiting satellite (LEO), which orbits the earth at a height of 325 miles to 1,000 miles and the satellite can make an entire orbit around the earth in 90 to 100 minutes. Unlike GEO satellites, which orbit around the equator, LEO satellites circle the earth across the poles. They do not remain in a fixed position relative to earth and they move around the earth. Lower propagation delays, that is, shorter transmission time and better global coverage are the advantages of LEO over GEO satellites. Only 12 LEO satellites are needed to cover the entire earth. But Bill Gate's plan to blanket the globe with 288 LEO satellites will provide the services even better as demanded by the people by the year 2002. In the early days of communication through satellite, only few satellites were available and thus were not visible from the ground all the time. It is the joint venture of Motorola and Teledesic to produce a broadband "Internet in the sky" which cost $750 million. Its vision is to offer broadband communications services to enterprise and small business owners through a Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network that will provide telecommunications services to underdeveloped countries. Since these LEO satellites change position relative to the earth, the same satellite offers the communications services to people in different areas whether it is a remote place or developed. No satellite will disappear from the site of any place of the earth. So, communication throughout the world will be available all the time even when some of the satellites are out of order. These LEO satellites will be better for two-way Internet access providing as much as 64 megabits per second of downstream bandwidth—more than 100 times faster than the present and at the same time less than the cost of GEO service. This is not the end. Again a hybrid combining the best of GEO and LEO services, Motorola's Celestri will offer16 megabits per second download and 2 to 10 mbs up loads at even lower prices. Medium earth orbiting (MEO) satellites are similar to LEO except that they are positioned higher than LEOs at the height of 6, 000 to 10, 000 miles above the earth. Together LEO, MEO, and GEO satellites are being used to support mobile satellite services. Mobile satellite services (MSS) encompass any two-way voice and data communications via handheld terminal, phone, or other device.

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(LEO Satellites orbiting the earth through polar in 90 t0 100 minutes at the height of 10,000 miles, while GEO Satellites orbiting with the same angular velocity as that of earth through equator at the height of 22,300 miles from the earth's surface)
(Image from Daniel)

Direct broadcast satellites such as Hughes' Direct TV or RCA's DSS provide another form of satellite communication that is used for television. Another form of satellite communication is provided by global position system (GPS), developed by the United States Department of Defense (DOD) for its tremendous application as a military locating utility. However, over the past several years, GPS has proven to be a useful tool in non-military mapping applications as well. It consists of 24 satellites and is 12,000 miles above the earth. The system uses a triangulation method to determine the exact location of the vehicle on the earth. GPS satellites are orbited high enough to avoid the problems associated with land based systems, yet can provide accurate positioning 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. Uncorrected positions determined from GPS satellite signals produce accuracy in the range of 50 to 100 meters. When using a technique called differential correction, users can get positions accurate to within 5 meters or less.

Many would argue that GPS has found its greatest utility in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). With some consideration for error, GPS can provide any point on earth with a unique address (its precise location). 

Advantages of Satellites:

            Demand for satellite service is increasing, especially in view of the continuous disruption of the terrestrial switching and transmission fabric caused by earthquakes, fires, cable cuts, and occasional software bugs.

Because of above advantages of satellites for communications, the demand is increasing.


Because so many types of satellites exist, satellite transmission is to be strictly controlled to avoid interference. If two satellites using the same frequency band are close, satellite transmission will suffer from interference. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) are obviously key components of an overall data networking strategy. In this world of wireless communication, we do not think of the distance between the sender and the receiver, neither do we think about the location how remote the place is; we think what the media is or the type of communication capable of carrying high bandwidth. It is quite different from the communication systems of the earlier days where one has to think of time and distance between them.
Is it the death of distance in this world of electromagnetic microwave communication? If not, at least, it is one of the biggest steps for the death of distance in the world of communication.

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