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1.What's your name?

Hi! My real names Jim Meyers.

2. Got a nickname?

Yea! You can call me Mush! Everone else does!

3.How'd you get it?

Some peoples tolds me my complexion looks like mush.

4. What do you look like?

I'se 'bout 6 foot, wid chocolate brown hair an' eyes.

5. What's your story?

I'se was adopted by an elderly couple when i was younger, but they died and I got thrown out on da streets, when found by da newsies and taken in.

6. What's your birthday and how old are you?

I dont really know...I'se about 16.

7. Got a personality?

i'se kinda quiet, been told I'se sweet an' carin', hence da name Mush, an' I'se likes da be part a' da leada's

8. Got any enimies?


9. Any friends in other lodging houses?

yea. Most of my friends is in da Manhattan Lodging House.

10. Got a sweetheart?

Yea*grins* Ya know Curlz? Well...

11. Anything else we should know?

Erm, I dunno.
