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Dream Home

They had discovered this lovely place
When they were starting married life
Those many years had passed swiftly
Since they had become man and wife

Setting aside money they could save
It would be their dream home one day
How long would it take them to own it
They knew that they really couldn't say

But as the years passed by so swiftly
Three children would grace their life
Times it was hard to make ends meet
But they made it through all the strife

With all the children married and gone
Their dream house has all come true
As they spend their life in leasure now
In a house that was made just for two

By Acie
© 2004

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Acie's Poems

SusieQ2u Index

Megys Index

December 24, 2004

Music and pictures on this page
for entertainment purposes only
Music is copyrighted
Please support the artists
We make no profits from these pages

Page dedicated to Doris and Keith

Special thanks to Acie for the poem