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Behind The Garage

She loved to play behind the old garage
Pretending she was a beautiful Queen
Her tricycle would be her royal carriage
She picked flowers with stems of green

With a pretty bouquet held in her hands
Up the cobblestone path she would ride
Looking for that perfect Prince Charming
To him she would be his beautiful bride

A pebble she drops in the wishing well
It will bring her luck throughout her life
She would not have to worry about work
As she becomes Prince Charming's wife

Each day she will have a different dream
Tomorrow she could be a big movie star
Her heart belongs here behind the garage
But her dreams lets her travel out very far

By Acie
© 2004

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Acie's Poems

SusieQ2u Index

Megys Index

August 13, 2004

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for entertainment purposes only
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