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Old Candy Store

I can still remember the candy store
Feeling like I was rich if I had a nickle
Standing there looking at the treats
Did I want to buy candy or a pickle

There was a little deli in the back
School kids could buy their lunch
Bologna sandwiches were so good
Potato chips we bought us a bunch

Pepsi cost just a nickle back then
Bologna sandwich was a nickle too
Potato chips were put in a big bowl
On an old table with a cloth of blue

Those days are so long gone now
But the memory wasn't left behind
I still remember that old candy store
Run by a lady so nice and so kind

By Acie
copyright 2004

Acie's Poems

SusieQ2u Index

Megys Index

February 14, 2004

When I was a girl growing up
in the 50s there was a candy store
called the Handy Candy across the
street from the school in Barnesville, Ohio.

Big Pretzels were two for a penny
Big tootsie pops were the same
For 5 cents you could buy many
These fond memories in my mind remain.

Page dedicated to all who have memories
Of the candy store located across from your school.

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