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Reach into your heart and forgive those
who hurt you, so the healing can begin.


I heard the whisperz in the wind....
as she spoke it was as a breeze flowing past my cheeks.
so softly she spoke about her heart that needed to mend,
she was not humble but oh so meek
she seemed to be lost in a world with no love
did much talking to her friend from above.
then one day in this thing called cyberspace
she met a friend that seemed happy in his place.
she listen to his story
bout his pain but more so his glory
as he did be honest and true
she now see that life not need to be blue.

But how to stop this feeling of being so low
she not know where to go,
but this one she met called shyguy
she found he lives with happiness and feeling so high
and all the troubles and his pain
are to give him more of joy and love again
to share to one and all about this life
and its beauty and joy even with strife
when he speaks for some reason she feels
but how to shed those clothes so she can heal.

She not know how to do this
so each day than she will miss the joy and the bliss
waiting for the direction from where she not know
of what to do to find out how to go,
to this beautiful place called paradise
as he seems as being so nice
but she sees the smile on his face
even though he is in an uncomfortable place
as he learns to trust and continue to risk,
all that he was created to be
so others will see and learn to be
happy joyous and free.
In her lies a wonderful love
that was created from her friend above...

I hear the whisperz in the wind....
cuz from her heart she does send
just another soul as I, that needed to mend.
I feel the pain in her now
so on my knees I will bow
and ask her friend in the heavens above
to send down his unconditional love
on the wings of a beautiful white dove
so she can live in a new joy today
and continue to live life always...

whisperz in the wind
so softly
so sweet so beautiful is she
the music she can play
if she would let her come alive today...
yes I hear the whisperz in the wind...

verse by
copyright 2002

ShyGuy's e-mail

Come to me all of you are who are tired
from carrying your heavy loads,
and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke and put it on and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest.

The yoke I will give you is easy, and the load
I will put on you is light.

Matthew 11 verse 28, 29, 30


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Megys Index

But I say unto you, Love your enemies,
Bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which despitefully use you,
and persecute you. Matthew 5:44