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Pappy's Moonshine

One day my pappy called me
He said he was feeling very ill
Mash in them barrels was ready
Could I come by and run the still

He told me just how I wuz to do it
Hose wuz runnin from that spring
Put the mash in that copper cooker
Build a fire and hear them coils sing

Mountain dew soon commed a flowin
First wuz a hundred and eighty proof
Danged stuff wuz so awful powerful
One time it blowed off the barns roof

I seed them revenue boys flying over
Watching the smoke from up in the sky
Heck the smoke wuz driftin a mile away
I wuz done now so I could let the fire die

That day I had runned off twenty gallon
Elexir was what some folk have called hit
Pappy's moonshine wuz always the best
To us country boys when we got half lit

Poem by Acie
copyright 2002

Megys Index


Special thanks to Scarey for
sending pictures to help me
paint this picture.
And to SusieQ2u for the dog tube.