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Jekyll and Hyde
Das Musical

Bremen Cast Highlights

Starring Ethan Freeman, Lynn Liechty, and Susanne Dengler
Music by Frank Wildhorn
Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse
16 Tracks

For a long time, I only owned a burned version of this CD that I downloaded from Audiogalaxy. It's such a great CD that I actually knuckled under and bought it a while ago from (If you read this review before, well, I finally found a bit of extra money! lol) It's really worth it, I think, because this an incredible recording. I don't speak German, so I don't understand a word except in the very few points where the German is practically English – "glitzen und shine…" (I'm positive I've spelled that wrong, but I haven't a clue what would be right!)

Ethan Freeman is a great Jekyll and a FANTASTIC Hyde; his voice is really dark and… Hyde-ish. I've heard people say that his version of "Confrontation" is the best available on professional CD. Well, maybe it's the second best. (If I hadn't heard the William Michals demo, I'd say best. LOL.) Lynn Liechty has a very powerful voice, admirably suited to the part of Lucy. She is more than equal to the part and pulls it off with the same intensity that one finds in Linda Eder's performance. Wonderful! Susanne Dengler is sadly a little bit underrepresented, but her "Once Upon A Dream" is really beautiful.

This is a definite must-own for any Jekkies! It doesn't matter if you don't speak German; it's easy to listen to even when you don't understand a word of it, and that's a true compliment! My attention span usually doesn't stand for that sort of thing, but the music and vocal talent is just so great that I don't even mind. (Plus I know all the words in English anyway. :-)

The only problem with this CD? It's too short! This is why I need to find a bootleg… ::evil grin::

Also see my reviews of the Jekyll and Hyde OBC, Complete Work, and Madrid Cast CDs.