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Il Barbiere di Siviglia

Claudio Abbado, Conductor

Hermann Prey, Luigi Alva, Teresa Berganza, Enzo Dara, Paolo Montarsolo
Composer: Gioacchino Rossini
Librettist: Cesare Sterbini
Director: Jean-Pierre Ponnelle

Jean-Pierre Ponnelle hits the jackpot this time. This one didn't suffer from its transition to film at all, possibly because he had recently staged the work at La Scala with (I believe) the same actors.

The star-studded cast really delivers. Hermann Prey is a funny, lively, and loveable as Figaro. His aria is great, and his comic timing is impeccable.

Teresa Berganza is a lovely Rosina, both visually and vocally. This is how Rosina is meant to be sung - a truly gorgeous mezzo. And she ACTS! I didn't care for her portrayal of Zerlina in Joseph Losey's Don Giovanni, but this time she nails the character. Her interactions with Bartolo are priceless.

You'd think with these great performances that Almaviva would be shoved to the background, but Luigi Alva more than holds his own. His voice is great. I was particularly impressed by his characterization - his Almaviva is fun-loving and just a little naive.

Enzo Dara handles the role of Bartolo with a delicate touch, and gets great results. He's funny without overdoing it; he may be the closest thing this opera has to a villain, but try as you might you can't really hate him. He even has the grace to laugh at himself in the end.

In this film even the Basilio is great, performed by the awesome Paolo Montarsolo. And I can't not mention Stefania Malagu's Berta - she's funny and her aria is very well sung.

I didn't even have issues with the set or staging this time. The set was detailed but not distracting at all, exactly as it should be.

I'm gushing, I know, but if you see this video you'll understand. You grow to expect a performance this immediate and alive from a stage production, but this is the first film I've seen that truly captures it. The day I watched this I immediately went online and bought it. This would be a great video to watch with your friends and family who aren't into opera - it seems pretty approachable and I think everyone would like it. (Plus it has at least one aria that everyone will recognize - "Fiiiiigaro! Figaro! Figarooooo!" - :D )

This is a must-see. You will laugh until your sides hurt and then smile for a week afterward.

Originally Reviewed: 15-Jul-03