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Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon

Pink Floyd: Dark Side Of The Moon
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

The synch that occurs between Pink Floyd's masterpiece and Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters Of The Third Kind is full of profound coincidences. Sound effects on the disc (helicopters, footsteps running, strange noises) often match the action in the film -- even the big rainbow-colored musical device alights in synch with Floyd's swampy synthesizers. Musical and lyrical synchronicities abound. 'Us And Them' overflows. This is one of my personal favorites.

Fast forward your copy of Close Encounters about an hour and a half. Have the album paused at the beginning of track 1. At some point between 1:33 and 1:36 in the film, a strange conversation occurs ...

SOLDIER: Call the bastard.
PYRAMID: Bahama this is Pyramid, over.
BAHAMA: Go ahead.
PYRAMID: Nothing to report at mid-station. From the looks up ahead there must be thousands of places to hide. We're gonna need at least three times the amount of men to cover this area in one hour.
BAHAMA: Get everybody off the Northern face and call Dark Side of the Moon and tell him we're gonna dust.

... Your cue to start the cd is precisely after Bahama finishes anunciating the word 'Moon'. This is very important. If your timing is off by just a fraction of a second, the synch will not work.

Discovered by:


Related Synchronicities:

1. The Dark Crusade

Another Spielberg film, Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade, has been found to synch with Dark Side Of The Moon. This one was discovered by Michael Allen [home page], one of the most prolific men currently at work within the film/album synchronicity community.

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Close Encounters of the Third Kind