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Radiohead: Kid A

Radiohead: Kid A, OK Computer, Amnesiac
Bram Stoker's Dracula

This synch was posted on the now-dormant Film/Album Synchronicity Board in the spring of 2001 by someone calling himself r.Pinkus. It's seemless beauty came as a surprise to those of us who watched it at the time, and its popularity continues to spread through good word-of-mouth in the synch community. There are a few different ways to view Bram Stoker's Dracula with the music of Radiohead, though they all begin the same way ...

Have your copy of Kid A paused up at the beginning of track 1, and press play when the Columbia logo fades to black at the beginning of the film ...

If you are using The Limited Edtion of Kid A (recommended) simply put the disc on repeat and enjoy a great synch that continues all the way to the end of the film.

If you are not using The Limited Edition, you can follow Kid A immediately with OK Computer (this is the original method suggested by r.Pinkus) ...

Or you can use the following set-up for Amnesiac, discovered by our friend Zach: Once Kid A has ended, turn the sound on your television back up and get Amnesiac ready. A few minutes will pass, and one of Lucy's suitors will speak the words 'Do it then.' Immediately following the utterance of this phrase, press play, and enjoy.

Discovered by:


Additional Setups by:

Zach, T.L.

Related Synchroncities:

1. Bram Stoker's Appetite

Haven't you always wanted to watch Bram Stoker's Dracula with something, like, say the Guns N Roses album Appetite For Destruction? Well, thanks to Carlo [home page] now you can. I have not seen this synch, but Carlo has a great reputation for finding particularly interesting combinations.

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Bram Stoker's Dracula