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Demalurina Pictures!

These are all pictures of (me)Demalurina, because I needed a place to put all my pictures, without using up all the space that I have for my 'Cats' site. I'll prolly have Starrla put her pics in here too. *g* -Dema

^ Demalurina Make-Up ^

Hey, I used Zauders for these pics, and I think that (considering it was Zauders) It turned out pretty decently. Of course the paint was still wet when I took the piccy, so It didn't have any of the cracks that are usually associated with Zauders.

^Bombalurina Cossie and MakeUp! ^

Okay...this is my Bombalurina costume. I think it turned out pretty well..but my mom, insisted that we take the piccys outside, and the unitard was a nylon-lycra blend, and the sun was shining RIGHT on it, so some of the black hatch marks aren't too visible. bleh. And...okay....don't say even ONE word about that wig! It was the first one I made, and it was originally a large pice of faux fur. hehe...about 5 hours of sewing and 20 min. of spraying it with hair-spray and floral spray *aww shaddup! I'm semi-proud of it!*

Last Day of School

This was on the last day of my freshman year, and I decided to be a nerd, and paint my face as a sort of an improv Bombalurina. In case you're wondering, I'm wearing those 'cat eye' contacts. Up close, they're *really* creepy. In the second pic, they guy that is standing with me, say the least 'too nice for his own good' NOTE: I did NOT do his make up. He did it himself, and I had absolutely nothing to do with it. (if I had done it, it would have more 'finesse' and actually look like a character from the show.) :P