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Bombalurina and Ferreta: The First Challenge

Bombalurina and Ferreta: The First Challenge

The small kitten peered through the pouring rain at the large imposing junkyard. She knew that there were cats there, and hoped they would let her stay there for the night…..
Bombalurina looked gloomily at the rain, wondering when it would stop. She had planned on flirting with Tugger today, but his humans had locked him inside the house, hoping he would stay clean. Suddenly in a flash of lightning she saw a small kitten huddling in the center of the junkyard. :Who in their right mind would want to get so wet?: It was a kitten that she had never seen before. Curious, she crawled out of her pip and ran over to the tiny kitten, picked it up in her mouth, and ran back to her pipe.
As soon as she was inside she looked the scrawny kitten over and said kindly “What were you doing out in such a storm? Why aren’t you with your mom and dad?”
The kitten looked at Bombalurina and burst into tears. “I….I….I don’ have a home. My momma’s dead”
The kitten sobbed into her fur, and Bombalurina hugged her tightly, and murmured “Hush now, it’ll be all right. You can stay with me. I’ll be your mom now.”
The kitten looked up at her with startling blue eyes “I…I…I can stay?” she asked timidly.
“Of course” Bombalurina replied. “Now lets get you cleaned up.” Bombalurina proceeded to lick the mud and rain out of the kitten’s fur. “What’s your name?” Bombalurina asked between mouthfuls of fur.
“I don’ have one” The kitten replied. “My momma was still tryin to think of one for me when she was….” The kitten broke off abruptly and tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes. She forced herself to go on. “My momma and brothers and sisters, they were all killed by a real scruffy lookin tom with fur redder ‘n yours”
Bombalurina was startled by the kitten’s description and hissed “Macavity!” The kitten was startled by her sudden outburst and jumped back. Bombalurina looked at the kitten. “Oops sorry, it’s just that Macavity was the one who killed your family, and he is no friend to the Jellicles.” The kitten relaxed visibly, and walked back over to Bombalurina so she could finish being washed.
An hour later Bombalurina sat back and looked at her charge, who was considerably cleaner. She was part Siamese, only her ears and tail, and a mask on her face were dark brown. The rest of her was cream colored with white and light brown paws. The mask made her look like a ferret. “Ferreta” Bombalurina muttered to herself.
“Huh?” the kitten asked.
“How about Ferreta for a name for you?”
The kitten smiled “I like it”.
Bombalurina smiled. “Well then Ferreta, you need some sleep, and so do I.”
Ferreta nodded drowsily, “Yes momma”
Bombalurina was surprise, and simply said “Goodnight Ferreta”
Macavity washed the blood off his paws. :I could’ve sworn that there were five kittens, but oh well. If there was a fifth kitten it wouldn’t live long. The streets of London were dangerous.: “Well I taught that stupid tom that when he disobeys orders he pays the price. It was a shame that he killed himself after I killed his queen and kittens though. Hmph. Oh well”
The next day Bombalurina took Ferreta to the council (Which consisted of Old Deutaronamy, Munkustrap, Alonzo, Jennyanydots, and Jellylorum.) “……..And so you see, she needs a home, and I want to adopt her as my daughter.”
The males were stunned, the queens nodded knowingly. They turned to Old Deutaronamy, Alonzo protested first “She can’t possibly be serious…” Munkustrap interrupted him “She’s not exactly the mothering type….”
“Look at them” Deutaronamy said, gesturing to Bombalurina and Ferreta who were sitting close to each other purring like steam engines. “They need each other.” The males nodded grudgingly, while Jenny and Jelly looked at each other smirking, they knew that any queen in Bombalurina’s position would’ve done the same thing. “Then it’s settled” Deutaronamy said. “Bombalurina” she straightened. “The council has decided to give you leave to raise Ferreta as her foster mother.”
Bombalurina jumped up into the air and caterwauled for joy. Finally she composed herself enough to say ‘thank you’ and give Alonzo and Munkustrap a sexy look. Alonzo blushed, and Munkustrap simply coughed and looked away. Bombalurina sauntered off with Ferreta close at her heels. They headed off to see Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, since Ferreta had lived near Victoria Grove. They found Rumpelteazer digging through some trash near Bombalurina’s pipe. “Hello ‘Teazer, could we ask you some questions?”
Rumpelteazer peeked out of the trash can “I dinna steal nuthin ya ‘ear!”
Bombalurina smiled “No it’s about Ferreta here, we need to know if you knew her mom.”
‘Teazer looked at Ferreta and frowned. “Yer Lissandra’s kit. Ain’t ya?”
Ferreta looked at the ground hoping no one would see her tears. “Yessm”
Rumpelteazer looked sad “Aw kit. I’m sorrah, yer mum was a good queen.” She brightened “but ‘ey ya got ‘Rina ‘ere, ‘n she ain’t gonna git ‘erself killed. She’s the best fighter us Jellicles got in th’ way a’ queens.” Bombalurina looked up, she didn’t know Rumpelteazer thought that highly of her. “Aw don’ look saproised, Ah saw ya’ when one a’ ‘Cavity’s border guards was gitten a bit too friendly, and ya just pummled ‘im. Whoo boy ‘e won’t be fatherin no more kit’ns ‘ats fer sure.”
Ferreta looked up at Bombalurina “Will you teach me to fight?”
Bombalurina looked down, surprised. “Why?” she asked.
Ferreta’s face hardened. “Cause I don’t want to end up like my momma.” Bombalurina smiled, she had a huntress on her paws.
A few months later Ferreta was an official huntress. She had her first kill. A pigeon. She had also began to notice toms, one tom in particular had caught her eye, Pouncival. She thought he was dashing, with that brown streak across his face. He was funny too, he had a million stories about how he and his brother Tumblebrutus got into trouble every day, they were almost as bad as Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, except they didn’t steal things, they just broke them.
One day when she was walking back to Bombalurina’s pipe she saw Mistoffelees and Victoria walking paw in paw. Now that in itself was not an unusual thing, but something was different. Then suddenly she knew! Ferreta trotted up to Victoria, “Um Viki, can I talk to you? Alone?”
Victoria looked confused, but walked over to one corner of the junkyard with Ferreta. “What’s up ‘Reta?” Viki asked.
Ferreta looked at her, her blue eyes seemed to get paler, more silver than blue. “Are you pregnant?” she asked.
Victoria was shocked. :I only found out this morning, how could she know?: “How did you know?”
Ferreta fidgeted, her eyes grew normal again. “I just… knew that’s all.” Victoria looked at her strangely. Ferreta looked at her. “Did you tell Misto’ yet?”
Victoria shook her head. “I was going to, but I’m scared.” “That he won’t want them?” Victoria nodded.
Ferreta smiled, her eyes grew pale again “Don’t worry. He will” Victoria looked at her sharply, but Ferreta was already walking away. Three weeks later Victoria was visibly pregnant, and Misto was glowing. Literally. He was so excited, that was all he could talk about. Ferreta just smiled, and went on with her training.
One day when talking to Pouncival, she looked at him sharply, “excuse me.” She said in a thin voice and ran to Bombalurina’s pipe, and crouched inside shivering, leaving a confused and hurt Pouncival in her wake. For he, in the past months, had begun to love her.
He ran after her and poked his head in the pipe, “Hey ‘Reta, what’s wrong?” She merely hissed at him, and swiped a paw at him. He pulled back just in time to save his nose from getting scratched. He ran off to find Bombalurina, she would know what was wrong. Finally he found Bombalurina flirting with some toms. “Bomba.. there’s something wrong with Ferreta” He panted.
Bombalurina immediately bounded off to her pipe. Once she got there, she knew what had happened. She smiled and looked over at Pouncival. “You’d better stay away for a while, she’s, well, nevermind. I’ll talk to you later.” And disappeared into her pipe. “Ferreta dear, its all right, its me, I won’t let anyone near. Do you know what’s wrong?”
Ferreta nodded miserably “I….I …..I’m on my first heat.” Bombalurina smiled.
“Well then, you also know that no male in the junkyard will touch you unless you want them to, right?” Ferreta nodded again. “Well then lets go out and flaunt it shall we?” Ferreta shook her head violently. Bombalurina hugged her. “Well why ever not dear?” Bombalurina asked, thinking she already knew the answer.
“B-b-because I want Pouncival, but I don’t know if he feels the same way.”
Bombalurina smiled. “Oh my dear ‘Reta. You have no idea how much he cares for you, do you?”
“He…..He cares for me?”
Bombalurina laughed. “My dear if you haven’t noticed it yet, then I haven’t taught you well enough.”
Ferreta blushed “Well I’d hoped, but….”
“Oh but nothing! Go talk to him for Heaviside sake! He deserves an explanation.”
Ferreta nodded, and crept out of the pipe. She saw Pouncival waiting nearby nervously. She walked over to him, he turned around and saw her. “’Reta! Are you Ok? What ha…. Oh.” He stopped when he caught her scent.
She smiled “Pouncival, I’m sorry I ran out on you, I was scared.”
Pouncival smiled his relief “Oh that’s Ok, but..” he started fidgeting and looked nervous. “I hoped you would choose me when your time came.” He blushed and looked at the ground.
“Pouncival….” He looked up and Ferreta was smiling. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Of course I will”
Macavity paced his lair. He wanted Bombalurina, but she would never come to him willingly. :I will have her willing or not! She may be an excellent fighter, but I don’t want an injured queen on my paws. I could take a hostage, someone that she cared for deeply. But who? Demeter was much too skittish ever since I abducted her when she was a kitten. Besides she had Munkustrap to protect her. Nor could it be the Rum Tum Tugger, he would put up too much of a fight. Wait! My spies told me of a Siamese kitten that she had adopted. But no, she would have been trained to fight by my beautiful Bombalurina.: He then thought of a plan that might work. It was crude, but it would work. “Griddlebone! Come here, I have a job for you.”
“Ferreta! Focus! Now what did I just tell you?” Bombalurina asked sternly. The young queen had been really inattentive lately.
Ferreta looked up, “Huh?”
Bombalurina sighed exasperatedly, “Were you even listening?”
Ferreta shook her head slowly. “No. I’m sorry I don’t know what’s wrong with me.!”
Bombalurina looked sympathetic. “Maybe I’ve been working you too hard. C’mon lets go relieve Alonzo and Mungojerrie of perimeter guard. I think its high time you tried your paw at patrolling.”
Ferreta was excited. Only the best fighters got perimeter guard, being as how Macavity’s rats attacked so often. “Really? Can I?”
Bombalurina smiled. “Of course. I mean hey I’m the one who trained you right?”
Ferreta smiled. “Right!”
Two hours had passed, and still nothing had happened. Ferreta was getting very bored. Suddenly they heard a female screaming “Let me go! Help! Heellllp!”
Bombalurina’s ears perked up “’Reta you stay here, I’ll call you if I need help.” Ferreta was a bit disappointed that she didn’t get to go, but at least something was happening. Bombalurina cautiously made her way down the dark alleyway while Ferreta watched with interest.
Bombalurina looked around trying to find the source of the screams. Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her, thinking it was Ferreta following her, she turned around to scold her for not obeying orders. She had a brief glimpse of a pipe coming towards her head, and then darkness.
Ferreta saw Bombalurina disappear into the dark alleyway, then she heard a hollow ‘thunk’ and passed out.
Pouncival found his mate lying in a heap near the border, he called for help, and soon he and Alonzo had Ferreta’s limp body in the middle of the junkyard. Before he could call them Coricopat and Tantomile were at Ferreta’s side, checking for injury. Suddenly Ferreta sat up and looked wildly around “Oh Heaviside they got her.”
Pouncival was confused. “Who got who love?”
Ferreta began crying. “Macavity’s got Bombalurina!”
Rum Tum Tugger had walked in to see what all the fuss was about. He only caught the last line, but it was enough to send him into a frenzy. “Damn him to the Fireside layer!”
Then Ferreta’s eyes unfocused, “I can see out of her eyes” she murmured dazedly. That shocked them all into silence. Ferreta saw through Bombalurina’s eyes. And her own eyes grew bright silver with each passing moment. She started screeching, “Get your filthy hands off me, you son of a pollicle! Oh when I get loose I’m gonna rip you to shreds you disgusting rat! Don’t you touch me! Why you AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” and with that spine tingling screech Ferreta collapsed again. By then all the Jellicles had assembled to see what all the fuss was about. Demeter was sobbing for her sister, Munkustrap tried to comfort her but Demeter was more scared than she had ever been. She had never heard her sister scream like that, not even when a peke attacked them. And it had been Bombalurina’s voice coming out of Ferreta.
It was Tugger that spoke first, “I’m going to get her back.” He said in a steely voice that scared Electra and Etcetera. Pouncival started to get up to go with him, but Tugger made him sit back down next to Ferreta. “No you stay here. Ferreta needs you now.” Alonzo Munkustrap, Mungojerrie, Rumpelteazer, and Asparagus went with Tugger to find Bombalurina.
Before they were out of the junkyard though Ferreta murmured “His lair is behind the old fish cannery” and passed out again.
Macavity was not happy at all. Oh yes his plan had worked out fine, he just didn’t expect Bombalurina to get so violent. She had said things that had made him lose his temper, and now she had four diagonal slashes from her right shoulder to her left hip. Damn. Now he had to wait for her to heal before he could have any fun.
Tugger was thankful of Ferreta’s last comment. She had saved them hours of fruitless searching. As they reached the fish cannery all caution was doubled. There were guards everywhere, Alonzo and Asparagus quickly disposed of any guard that came into view. Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer led them through the crate maze to the room usually reserved for prisoners, but it was empty. Thinking quickly they determined that Bombalurina was probably being held in the concubine’s rooms, being as how Macavity’s intentions were most likely less than honorable. While they led them through Macavity’s lair Mungojerrie heard the Rum Tum Tugger muttering about what he was going to do to Macavity. Mungojerrie smiled and whispered “I’d say ‘at ‘Rina gets first shots at ‘im.” Tugger smiled, glad to have a little humor in the dangerous expedition.
Bombalurina looked up from cleaning her wounds when she heard footsteps in the hall. Thinking it was Macavity she unsheathed her claws and jumped onto a crate next to the door and readied herself for a strike. She was ready to defend herself this time, when Macavity tried to make advances on her. The door started to open, she raised her arm, poised for a kill. She brought her arm down halfway, and stopped when she saw it was the Tugger. She jumped off the crate, and almost fell from the impact on her wounds, but the Tugger caught her, and hugged her close. Munkustrap then said urgently “We better get out of here, before Macavity comes to check on her.” Bombalurina’s eyes grew furious when she heard the name, but kept her mouth shut. They all sneaked back out, without being seen, except for the few unfortunate guards who happened to see them. When they were almost back to the junkyard, Coricopat and Tantomile came and helped Bombalurina back to the junkyard so they could see to her injuries.
Ferreta awoke to see Pouncival sitting next to her. She tried to sit up, but he gently pushed her back down with one paw. “You need to rest” he said gently.
She smiled up at him, but her smile turned to an expression of concern “Where’s Bomba?” She croaked. Her voice was very sore, and it hurt to talk.
Pouncival smiled. “Coricopat and Tantomile are taking care of her, they say she’ll be fine in about a week.” Ferreta smiled at her mate, and drifted back into sleep.
Bombalurina awoke a few days later, and the cuts across her stomach and chest were beginning to heal. She looked around and saw Rumpelteazer sitting next to her. When ‘Teazer saw that Bombalurina was awake she quickly stood up. “’Ow’r ya feelin hon?”
Bombalurina smiled faintly. “Like I got run over by a pollicle.”
‘Teazer let her sit up, and got her a bowl of water. “If it weren’t fer yer ‘Reta, ye’ still might be with ‘Cavity, ‘n I doubt that ya’ woulda’ liked that verra’ much.
Rina grimaced at the thoughts that that statement evoked. “How did you Ferreta know?”
Rumpelteazer looked at her strangely and said, “’Er eyes got all silvery, an’ she started screamin’ stuff, but it was yer voice comin outta ‘er.”
Bombalurina frowned. “But how?”
Teazer shrugged. “Seems the only ones who remember are me, Pouncival, Ferreta, Misto, Coricopat, Tantomile, Demeter, an’ oddly enough Plato. Everone else seems ta think ‘at ya dragged yerself ‘ere, ‘n they found ya by the tyre. I don’ know ‘bout you, but I’m willing ta let ‘em think ‘ats wot ‘appened.” Teazer looked like she was going to say more, but Ferreta appeared in the doorway.
Ferreta saw that Bombalurina was awake, and joy suffused her face. Rumpelteazer quietly left unnoticed. “Oh mom! Are you all right?”
“I’m fine dear, but I heard what happened, how are you?”
Ferreta looked at her sadly “I saw and felt what he did to you. I’m surprised that you could even survive.”
Bombalurina looked at her, touched by her depth of understanding. Tears came to her eyes. “Oh my kitten, I love you so much. I’m glad to see you. So tell me what’s happened while I was sleeping.”
Ferreta smiled mischievously. “Wellllll Jemima and Plato broke it off. He said he wanted a queen his own age, so now Jemima’s going out with Tumblebrutus. Sorry mom, but Tugger’s inordinately interested in Etcetera right now. Viki had her kitten, a queen, she’s all white with black paws, a black face, and a black stomach. They named her Mystoria. And the best news of all………I’m going to have kittens!!”
Bombalurina’s jaw dropped. “Oh Ferreta! I’m so happy for you!” Ferreta went on. “I’m having two!” Bombalurina was shocked. Queens never knew how many kittens they were having. But then again, Ferreta was no ordinary Queen. She would have to apprentice her to Mistoffelees.
Macavity paced his lair. He could not believe that the queen had escaped! “Oh I will not be tricked a second time!” :Next time I’ll get to have some fun, and I know how to get my beautiful Bombalurina to cooperate.: It was only a matter of time...

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